Feb 23, 2008 22:44
I'm in the computer lab in the basement of the campus center. The computers in this particular lab are AWFUL. The huge CRT screens flicker, the keyboards are covered in layers of grime, and the mice are all messed up. I'm in here because my friends Mayra and Amanda are trying to decide what movie we'll watch tonight. I don't have any movies that I really want to see, so I'm sort of sitting it out. I think we'll end up watching British comedies...
: )
Other news: Spring seems to be coming early this year. We've had several gorgeous days in a row. Spring and summer are my favorite seasons, so that makes me happy. I tend to get gloomy when winter's got full sway. It must be a lower intensity of light or something. There's actually a name for it, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). I don't know if I have the clinical version, but my mood definitely does change with the seasons. All said and done, I like seasons. Life would be boring without change.
I've recently made some important decisions about my summer and the rest of my life. This summer I'll be taking a class in England. (I'm so excited!!! Have any of you been there?) After this summer, I'll have one school year left until graduation. I am scared, scared, scared. I feel like I'm standing on a platform above deep water, and the platform is about to be taken out from under me. Right now I'm leaning towards going straight to grad school for English literature and creative writing. I would like it a lot. The only (HUGE) thing deterring me from it is the comments I get about that kind of degree. "What do you plan on doing with that? You seriously want to write books? Well, you can always teach...." and so on.
Well, I'm going to be positive. What if history's great minds just listened to whatever bogus advice they got from people? Not to say I'm one of history's great minds, but I think there's a need for brave and bold and unconventional folks in this world.
Anyway. I hope everyone's doing well. Keep in touch!