No, I refuse to see Izumo in any setting where things could get heated again. I don't need more fuckin' drama, and I won't cheat on Jin with that dipshit. Even I have common sense, and I am not going to sleep with Izumo again or draw this thing out between us anymore, he's just a guy, just a dipshit, and I won't risk loosing Dosu.
The orphanage is starting to get overly crowded and the fuckin' worthless goverment won't do shit because they take in so many kids whose parents are actually alive. Like Miyu, but thats just fucked up, her dad beat her for chrissake! I have to go back and do something, I could've had it worse, I'd hate to see kids turn out even worse than Dosu, Zaku and I. Still my main purpose in going back is to burn off some steam where there aren't as many rules, but still.
I've sunk pretty low during parts of my life admittedly, but I'm not going to leave a bunch of defenseless fuckin' kids to get kicked out on the streets, some of them aren't as strong as we were...
Fuck. I hate this small shred of humanity I have left.
After doing some thinking I think I've lost my own game, but thats fine. I found something more interesting, not to mention that some shit is happening at home that takes priority over the drama here.