Romancing the Pain - Part 22

Oct 02, 2009 19:45

Title: Romancing the Pain

Rating: M (swearing and violence)

Pairing: Pepa/Silvia

Summary: Post episode 104 as well as my last fic, Come Back to Me. It’s basically its sequel; the events that occur after Silvia was released from the hospital.

A/N: I’m so sorry this is late. Honestly, my muse has taken an extended vacation and I was so darn ( Read more... )

romancing the pain, fanfiction, pepa/silvia

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Hi! junebuggy01 October 2 2009, 13:27:52 UTC
Wait, there's a cliffhanger? Hmm... curious. :P No, but I liked this chapter. It was great, though, the image of Pepa's ribs rubbing against her lungs stuck with me throughout my entire reading of this chap and well, suffice to say... it's still stuck in my head and now I hate you. But good chapter and I'm starting to think that you may be cliffhanger god. Seriously? You're cliffies are brutal!

Um, sorry bout the muse sitch, just to let you know, I wouldn't let yours run away if I caught her *Wags finger* LOL. Love you and your awesomeness hunny bunny.


Re: Hi! raven_bard October 3 2009, 02:24:08 UTC
Hi! back. *grins* What you don't like ribs? With bbq sauce? They're nice! *snickers*

Cliffhanger god huh? I learned from the best. *sticks out tongue* The student has excelled the teacher. Whoo!! But c'mon...the cliffy wasn't that bad. Right? No? *shrugs* It was necessary.

Yeah my's touch and go sometimes. Well, cool. You wouldn't let her run away but the question is, would you give her back to me or keep her just to torture me a bit? *laughs* Thanks for dropping a note, darlin.


Re: Hi! junebuggy01 October 3 2009, 13:49:15 UTC
*Rolls eyes* I hate ribs or really anything meat. *Shudders* What can I say? I'm a vegetarian for beliefs.

And yes *Nods* I believe you are cliffhanger god and have excelled in more than that area hunny. But I do understand the necessity of cliffhangers. And I like them. :D

As for your muse... *Thinks* Um... I'm not into the whole torture thing... Though you've been really dreadful to me lately, pushing my buttons and everything. *Pulls out handcuffs* Why would I hold your muse hostage to torture you, when I can just hold you? *Smiles*


Re: Hi! raven_bard October 3 2009, 13:58:33 UTC
I forgot you were a veggie. and I could never eat out. We'd murder each other over where to eat. And I'm so not a fan of greens. *pulls face*

Handcuffs huh? Niiiice. *begins backing away slowly* And I haven't been dreadful, just...playful. *snickers* Hey look it's Superman! *points behind you and bolts*


Re: Hi! junebuggy01 October 3 2009, 14:16:08 UTC
Well, I'm pretty flexible as far as places to go and eat. A lot of my friends are huge ass meat eaters and so's my fam, so I kinda just eat a salad if there's nnothing else.

*Turns around quickly* There's no fucking Superma- Dammit, where'd she go? *Stomps foot* Raven? *Chases after you!*


Re: Hi! raven_bard October 3 2009, 14:22:49 UTC
*skids to a stop* But that's terrible! I would feel so bad taking you to carnivore heaven. Oh well I suppose we could also come to a compromise. They do tofu..stuff at veggie places. I eat tofu. That could be a meal....followed by a huge ass helping of chocolate cake.


Re: Hi! junebuggy01 October 3 2009, 14:27:13 UTC
*Runs into you, knocking you over, landing on top of you.* Ouch. You okay? Why'd you stop?... Tofu's delightful! I love love love it. And cake? I like huge ass cake! *Smiles*


Re: Hi! raven_bard October 3 2009, 14:31:34 UTC
Gee darlin' you literally like knocking gals off their feet? Yes tofu's nice...especially when dipped in ketchup. Ketchup redeems all food. *pulls you closer down* You know what's better than cake? Cake being eaten off somebody...with chocolate sauce. *grins*


Re: Hi! junebuggy01 October 3 2009, 14:36:53 UTC
*Bites lip and quirks eyebrow* Yeah? That sounds... *leans in closer* Delectable.


Re: Hi! raven_bard October 3 2009, 14:42:04 UTC
*nods and whispers against your lips* Doesn't it? *grabs the back of your head and pulls you down for a heated kiss before pulling away and squirming out from under you* Too bad I gotta take a raincheck on that darlin'. It's way late here and I got a meeting with my landlord tomorrow. *blows kiss* Until next time, beautiful. *winks*


Re: Hi! junebuggy01 October 3 2009, 14:43:23 UTC
*Jaw drops* You're dead. :P LOL Loves honey, good luck with your landlord.


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