Title: Romancing the Pain
Rating: M (for adult themes)
Pairing: Pepa/Silvia
Summary: Post episode 104 as well as my last fic, Come Back to Me. It’s basically its sequel; the events that occur after Silvia was released from the hospital.
A/N: Special shout out to mueroporbesarte who kept me uh, entertained whilst I was studying at the library
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I was about to go to bed when I saw you posted the next chapter and I couldn't resist reading. and now I feel quite awake and have this need to get really drunk LOL probably shouldn't do that though. and even just drinking wine sounds sexy and pretty when you write it xD
I really really loved this chapter! I know i should like try to find something else to say but you chapters get better and better and I'm like all out of words for all the awesomeness *sighs*
and I'm way too afraid to listen to that song right now... the way you described it... downloaded it anyway. so maybe tomorrow after work xD
so thank you for still writing this great great greaaaaat fic and the song and everything :)
*crawls into bed and tries to think happy thoughts*
Thanks for loving the chapter so much, your comments are so flattering! *laughs* And you're welcome...I actually enjoy writing so it's not that much of a hassle. Lol. Well, when you get the courage (and sanity) to listen to the song, lemme know what you think k?
*sends you happy dreams that involve bouncing pink ponies and cookies that grow on trees*
and I promise I listen to that song today. when I'm awake. but if it makes me all over emotional again like that beach chapter last week I totally want a real cookie tree :( lol
oh and the part where Silvia starts blaming herself again was so awesomely painful <3 (and I'm not just saying that so this comment isn't all about beds and dreams and sleeping. it really just crossed my mind again.)
But thanks...poor Silvia. They are always so quick to blame themselves and each other. Tsk.
"I love it when songs sound so... real. real emotions. real stories. when they're more then just some pretty words the artist has to sing." ~ Me too. That's a big reason why I got into country music...they sing from their hearts and souls.
After that horrific episode that shall not be named, I made a playlist of every tragic song under the sun and just put it on repeat. I must have been such a masochist. *shakes head*
And no, the guy's not from the 60s! I have one of his albums, I'm trying to look for his other one but I'm having no luck so far. If you want I can upload it for you and give you the link.
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