Sep 22, 2005 16:27
Today at 10 a.m. we had 26 people from the Galveston area arrive at our nursing home here in Cleburne. These poor people had been sitting in a bus for over 16 hours, and most of them couldn't take themselves to the bathroom. They were tired, hungry, dirty, and scared. Our first priority was bathing them. So, off into the shower room I went. This one lady I was about to shower had a tobogan on her head, and absolutely refused to let me take it off. Apparently, she had moved to Galveston from New Orleans, and here she was having to relocate again. She told me, "No more water. I just left a bunch of water." It was heartbreaking. I finally convinced her to take a shower, but she wouldn't let me wash her hair. There is one man that took to me right away. I was in our dining room because we were having a meeting, and he rolled up to me and held my hand. He asked me what my name was, and when I told him, he just smiled and said what a pretty name I had for such a pretty girl. You never really realize what you take for granted. I know that this is just 26 people out of thousands, if not millions, but even still, we're going to touch their lives for the brief time they're here in Cleburne. I am bound and determined to make their stay as comfortable as possible. It's just tough, knowing that they may not have anything to go back to. One lady was in really good spirits, though, and thanked us for taking them in.
It's days like this when I realize just exactly HOW much I love helping people.