one for the road

Jul 06, 2006 08:25

I'm starting to think that I should've just taken this week off too. I mean, really, a 3-day work week before a week's vacation? It's a bit silly. However, I would've missed the going-away bash for C. and P., and that would've been a sadness. (Sadness because I will truly miss P.'s humor and quiet competence, not because I will miss C.'s scope/budget overruns and awful project management.) So, here I sit in the office, with another perfect sunny day shining away outside the windows, wondering if I've gone completely nuts. (Yes, but don't tell her, she gets a bit tetchy about that insanity business.)

The Draft Report of Doom is, I think, just about done. I'm a bit worried that there's no victorious report submission e-mail in my account this morning though. (We should've submitted it for review last Friday, but we weren't even close to being done, plus who's going to review some dry research report on the 4th of July holiday?) Thanks be to anybody listening, this is the last report I will have to do with C. Evah. Much rejoicing.

Now that we're getting some summer sun, the gardens are lush and gorgeous. I've had several pickings of both snap and shell peas--a victory! Peas before camp! The peppers and eggplants are developing nicely (an amazing number of flowers on the eggplants), and the pole beans have reached the top of their 6-foot-plus trellis. Without belaboring the point, everything looks quite healthy and seems to be on-schedule despite the rainy cloudy spring we've had.

In the land of pottery, I had a mad burst of throwing last month, and just about all of those pieces are back out of the kilns now. Must remember to stop by the studio before we leave and pick up the last bits. Tom recently put a head on one of the first drums I've worked out quite well for a first drum. I'm pleased to have an instrument made entirely by our hands to play at has a higher, sweet but resonant sound to it (and the glaze came out beautifully!). The next drum, which should be in the biscuit firing now, will have a larger playing surface though. Was hoping to have the second one for camp, but there was quite a long period in June where work was just not drying out.

Last night was a new and interesting experience: My first foray into an actual recording studio. A friend wanted my voice and T.'s drums on an album she's recording. I guess all that choir singing was good for something. We laid down our tracks last night...nerve-wracking but fun. Note to self: it's better if you can't hear yourself in the headphones, and also if you have one side of the headphones up off your ear while singing so that you can actually hear what you're doing.

Well, since I am in the office today, I suppose I should go do some work. There may be a brief post from Ohio this weekend, but if not...have a good week out there in LJ-land.

pottery, singing, work, garden

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