Home again.
Still pondering some things, in my brain. Had to get at least some out.
I'm really glad we made the effort to go, if only for 24 hours. I'm glad we stayed the night, we'd have missed some of the magic, the camaraderie that makes it special.
Two things have stayed with me.
1/ In a conversation with Bart, who was explaining why he was so exhausted. He'd done two hospital runs for someone during the week, and was looking for someone to do another, as he was just too tired to drive. I volunteered. He said "they're practically family". He's right. Your household, your friends - they're the family you chose. Like any family, sometimes you want to kill them in their sleep, but for the most part, they're the family you actively seek, the family that you love, that you'd do anything for. This is most of my friends, my support network.
On that note, we brought the a household member home with us, a day early, to stay here today and rest, in the warm, with kitteh love. We went to work and left her in the warm to sleep and rest. Why wouldn't we? :)
2/ Bunch of people around a fire at a Vigil for a Pelican. Sort of an information question/answer session. Someone asked what the difference between work and service was. For some reason, this really clicked with me. The answer katherine kerr gave. Work is what you do, what needs being done, to make things happen, for the here and now. Some people work and work and work and get huge amounts of things done. Service is setting things up, for the future. Service is training others, to let them fly free, to let them do the work (whether they sink or swim), to organise for things to happen, without having to do it yourself.
This is where I'm currently heading. I've been working. I've started some Service. I'm going to look towards the future. I'm going to get my own 'house' in order, to set up so that others can assist with the work, and go on themselves to do Service in order that the Society may grow.
These are my raw thoughts. More later when I've mused s'more.
Also. I didn't take a single photo. Not of my new kirtle, not of me, not of anyone else. I suck. Sorry. Mea Culpa. I was too busy seeing and talking to people in the limited time I had, rather than observing through a lens.