Mar 06, 2005 09:21
Ten random things you like:
1) Marilyn Manson
2) music
3) Sox
4) YoU
5) clean air
6) Good times
7) puppies
8) the nosie that Alex's ginnie pigs make
9) the feeling that i am alive
10) ~* MaKiNg OuT *~
eight movies:
1) Ackerman
2) XXX
3) Ace Ventura
4) Wild boys ((Tv show, yea i know))
5) Porno
6) Star Wars
7) Anger Management
8) Stephen Kings 'dream catcher'
Describe Five things about you ... physically:
1) Many colors in my eyes
2) brownish hair
3) Glasses
4) short hair
5) HoTT!! (I hope so any ways)
ten good friends:
1) Katie
2) Zane
3) Chelsea brown
4) Alex
5) Tessa
6) Stacey
7) Shelly
9) That is about it i think. . . .
nine favorite food/drinks:
1) chicken
2) Mexican
3) pizza
4) Taco bell
5) Liquor
6) smore
7) cheese and crakers
8) cocco
9) cheeseburger
Five people you’ve kissed (any kind of kiss):
1) Gene
2) Alex
3) Jamie
4) Dean
5) my mommy and daddy (on the cheak of coures)
seven songs you love
1) Tub Ring - Psychology Is B.S. (Not Science)
2) A perfect cicrle - Judith (Renholder Mix)
3) Marilyn Manson - The Nobodies
4) Marilyn Manson - Dired Up, Tied and Dead to the World
5) the ROcky horror picture show - Time warp ((i love it when chels sings it))
6) ((I forgot who this is by)) - Love Lost in a Hale of Gunfire
7) the Darkness - friday Night
five things that annoy you:
1) people who think they are better. .. . just because thay think they are
2) HxC Emo music
3) when people don't tell me the truth or try to hide it form me
4) lying
5) People who smell
five things you touch everyday:
1) Other people
2) my close . . but there was that one time (lmfo)
3) my glaes
4) the dooor knob to leve the house
5) My friends *wink wink* J/k
four shows you watch:
1) Music Vidios
2) Aqua teen hunger force
3) the wiggles
4) the oblongs
two people you can't live without
1) Zane
2) Katie
(there are more ((Alex, Shelly, Gene, Tony, and all of you)))
one place you feel the most comfortable
1) In the Dark doesn’t matter wear
Oh and the dance was awesome I wish i got to dance with Alex more, I barrly got to see you! :(