Jun 09, 2009 20:48
My brain... no, seriously, characters are haunting me right this very moment. North of the City Verse shenanigans aren't forthcoming, but there is this little (yeah, ok, not so little) fic idea knocking against the inside walls of my skull. Seeing I've got a D/s kink the size of the hole in the ozone layer, it kinda revolves around that. Coping with no Chronicles? New D/s fic. Kinda obvious stuff.
The way it plays is, there's two kinky couples involved (yeah, been there, I know), only one of the couples doesn't start out as either kinky or a couple. It's hard to sum up my tangled thoughts on this right this moment cause not all the characters quite have faces yet. There shall be Doctor Bob, cause, let's face it, he needs to exist in more fic then just Wednesday night boys cause he's awesome. So, Doctor Bob is one half of one of the functioning kinky couple.
Brendon's the severly screwed up person turning into one half of the not-yet-kinky not-yet-couple. Now. Much as I want to be Spencer the very kink-reluctant counterpart who deals with Brendon's screwed-upness (that is too a word!), I'd also love Spencer being the sub part to Bob the Doctor's evil and epic topping (cause we all know how I feel about those two). Also, there's Jon and Ryan.
Now, if Spencer's the kink-avoiding top person, Jon could be the ex who broke Spencer's heart and the reason Spencer's sworn off relationships altogether. Until screwed up Brendon comes along to win said broken heart, obviously.
That'd leave me with Bob topping Ryan.
Alternatively, Spencer could be Bob's slut (excuse the candor, but... come on. It's a pretty picture). Which would leave Ryan or Jon to top screwed-up Brendon.
For the part of audience particiation: what do you think? Bob topping Spencer? If so, can Jon Walker the laid-back dude ever be turned into a top person at all in any possible universe? If it's happening to really help a screwed-up Brendon out?
Bob topping Ryan? Spencer the disillusioned single gay man who never ever wants anyone again until Brendon enters the picture? Completely different ideas for possible combinations? Like, whatever, Bob topping rubber ducks? Bob topping Mikeyway? Ryan topping Bob (and oh my god, my brain!!!)?
Gotta admit, right now I'm leaning toward Bob/Spencer and Jon/Brendon. Which means Ryan could be the single guy doing everything that moves while taking the piss out of the happily coupled folks. Also, on a side-note, these people are all gonna need jobs. Bob's the doc, we all know that, but what about the rest of them? I'm kinda looking at professional careers here and I was wondering if I could see Spencer and Jon and Ryan working architecture and carpentry and interior design. Yeah, no idea. Hit me up with random thoughts, that always helps.
Edit: Um, okay, apparently Bob's just written himself out of the picture and promoted Spencer to being the hot doc. And now Ryan's the screwed up dude while Spencer and Brendon are the happy kinky couple, leaving Jon to be the disillusioned widower. Cool, I can roll with that. I'll still need the jobs, though. Also, I'm gonna need one seriously evil (and I mean evil) kinky guy and I can't decide between Pete and Gabe. Thoughts on that?