So I'm shamelessly stealing this idea from
randomepiphany , cause she did it for her
Phylogeny Verse (which, guys... if you haven't read it, along with every sequel, you need to. No really. Need to. Very, very much. Cause you will bawl and cheer and do all sorts of other undignified things, but you won't care one bit cause it's so very wonderful it hurts. Pretty much better then anything else I've come across in the way of fic and stratospheres above what us mere mortals could ever hope to achieve to write. I think I made it quite clear, but yes. NEED TO READ.).
Yeah, back to the point I was trying to make before the stalkerish fangirling, she did a Q&A for her characters in that I loved very much, cause I loved the characters themselves very much (did I mention you need to read it?).
The point. Questions to the Chronicles folks? Anything from favourite kinks to favourite foods to favourite sex-soundtrack. Throw them at me. Go all out. One, I'm very curious what you'll come up with and what responses will come. Two, I'm hoping to get a little inspiration for the next couple of instalments cause my writing's doing that nasty procastination thing again. Three, fun. So yeah, ask away. Read Phylogeny. That is all.