30 Day Writing Meme

Dec 19, 2011 19:33

30 Day Writing Meme

Day 01 → Your favorite writ­ing project/universe that you’ve worked with.
Day 02 → How many char­ac­ters do you have? Do you pre­fer males or females?
Day 03 → How do you come up with character names?
Day 04→ Your first stories/characters.
Day 05→ By age, who are your youngest /oldest char­ac­ters?
Day 06 → Where are you most com­fort­able writ­ing?
Day 07 → Do you lis­ten to music while you write? What kind? How do you relate music to your writing?
Day 08 → What’s your favorite genre to write? To read?
Day 09 → How do you get ideas for your char­ac­ters? Describe the process of cre­at­ing them.
Day 10 → What are some really weird sit­u­a­tions your char­ac­ters have been in?
Day 11 → Who is your favorite/least favorite char­ac­ter to write?
Day 12 → In what story did you feel you did the best job of world→­build­ing?
Day 13 → What’s your favorite cul­ture to write, fic­tional or not?
Day 14 → How do you map out loca­tions, if needed?
Day 15 → A writer you admire, whether pro­fes­sional or not!
Day 16 → Do you write roman­tic rela­tion­ships? Are you good with those? Do you write sex scenes?
Day 17 → Favorite pro­tag­o­nist.
Day 18 → Favorite antag­o­nist.
Day  19 → Favorite minor that decided to shove him­self into the spot­light.
Day 20 → What are your favorite char­ac­ter inter­ac­tions to write?
Day 21 → Do any of your char­ac­ters have chil­dren? How well do you write them?
Day 22 →Tell us about one scene between your char­ac­ters that you’ve never written.
Day 23 → How long does it usu­ally take you to com­plete an entire story?
Day 24 → How will­ing are you to kill your char­ac­ters if the plot so demands it?
Day 25 → Do any of your char­ac­ters have pets? Tell us about them.
Day 26 → Do you draw your char­ac­ters? Do oth­ers draw them?
Day 27 → Do appear­ances play a big role in your sto­ries? How you go about design­ing your char­ac­ters.
Day 28 → Have you ever writ­ten a char­ac­ter with phys­i­cal or men­tal dis­abil­i­ties?
Day 29 → How often do you think about writ­ing?
Day 30 → Best source of inspiration?


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