Apr 26, 2006 00:38
i am not an english major....ignore any errors in grammar and punction...please.
The sun is slowly setting as i sit here in this frigid, sterile room. I am restless as the sun breaks herself, crashing and spilling her yolk across the dry Delta landscape. Anxiety pervades-hanging heavy like drops of water in the air.
(Hold on to people they're slipping away.)
With darkness comes the uncertainty of night-the shadow life. I sip coffee, not because I'm tired and need to stay awake but because its sweet warmth is soothing. I stave off the darkness with my lamp and a small candle, eventually welcoming it with open arms...a calm acceptance. The shadows begin to reveal their "secrets" to anyone listening-things we all know but tend to ignore or overlook. My mind wanders and before I know it the sun's golden crown is peeking through the trees. I succumb to sleep.
In these hours I no longer know what to do with myself so I search for a purpose. I am on the edge of discovery. I feel nauseous. My bones will not rest; they rattle in this cage I carry and cloud my vision with the dust of ages. I pace even when I'm sitting still. I pace the interior of my mind-a maze of ideas and concepts...of emptiness. I ramble. I entertain ideas of reading but it takes too much concentration...too much patience. I have none to spare, nothing left to give. I feel overwhelmed and like I'm spilling and pouring- a great and powerful river.
My insides feel scrambled. I feel like everything hinges on a moment.