Phoenix Wright Kink Meme: The Ultimate Het Index! (updated 8/06)

May 31, 2008 02:11

I sure many of us have visited, or even written for the massive Phoenix Wright Kink Meme. and basked in it's awesomeness. The trouble is though, Het stories are rather rare compared to the frillions of Phoenix/Edgeworth romances and Gant/Everyone crack fics.

So I decided to create an index for all the stories featuring a Het pairing. This will be updated whenever I can.

Warning: There are stories of a sexual nature behind the cut and some occasional strange kinks, so view with caution. If the description of the prompt doesn't sound like your bag, then do not view.

Otherwise, enjoy!


Phoenix/Maya, office sex

Phoenix and BBW Maya. (That's Big Beautiful Woman)

Phoenix and Maya have sex in a bath. Either a hot springs, or just Phoenix's bath at home. Bonus points if lots of soap and bubbles are mentioned.

Please, give me some kilts.

Requesting Phoenix/Maya. Both of them intoxicated, resulting in fluffy kinky fun

Having gotten tired of not seeing Phoenix and Maya get together, Pearl and Trucy decide to work together to get the two to confess their love. Their master plan?
Lock Phoenix and Maya in a small, cramped closet together, and wait for the passion to take over.

I want THIGHS. Kissing them, stroking them, patting them, squeezing them... just write me something sexy with thighs

Phoenix/Maya, frottage.
Let's see them get kinky in the garden at Fey Manor.

I want me some Phoenix/Maya.
They're driving home from some fancy party that they attended with Franziska/Edgeworth/Gumshoe/Maggy/Larry/Whoever you want to drive them home. Maya's dress is rather short, especially when she sits down. I want Maya to instigate some serious stroking from Phoenix -- like she reaches out, grabs his hand, and puts it right on her...ahem...soft spot.

I want some bottom fondling.
More specifically, I want Phoenix to give Maya a hug, and use the oppertunity to grab her butt. Maya of course, retaliates by grabbing Phoenix's arse

Phoenix decides to use his l33t poker skills for naughtiness, and challenges Maya to a game of strip power, making a bet that the winner gets to do whatever he/she wants to the loser. Little does he realize though, that Maya's been studying how to play, and is on an even skill level with Nick...

Breasts as focal point.



Maya is Phoenix's emotional rock. Without her, he is lost.
I want to see Phoenix just collapse from all the craziness and stress of the trials and the murders and EVERYTHING, and have Maya just be there to help him through it.

I want Phoenix entering his office to find Maya in a Playboy bunny-girl outfit. Black one-piece corset, fishnet stockings, bunny ears, the works.
Her answer when he asks what the hell is going on?
"Happy birthday Nick I'm all yours!"

Either Phoenix and Maya, trying to get Edgeworth to wear a corset, or P and E try to convince Maya. Not that she wouldn't look like a stick if she wore won. Anyways, a nice corsetting fic with tight lacing. Er, yeah. Go anon!


Maya X Phoenix, in between game 3 and 4 (or maybe after game 4). They're alone together, and get a little drunk. So they lose their inhibitions and do things they wouldn't normally do. Namely, ending up kissing, getting intimate, and having sex.
The morning after, they're a bit shocked, but both have to admit they're pleased this happened...

We need more Phoenix/Maya around here, stat!
So how about this? Pearl and Trucy are now fourteen and getting interested in boys and romance, so Maya suggests Phoenix talks to them about the birds and the bees.
Phoenix has now clue how to begin though, so in desperation, he decides to tell the girls about the first time he and Maya had sex.
Needless to say, the girls are both horrified and amused by his recollection of the events.
Bonus points if Maya sticks around to tell him off when he 'exaggerates' certain parts of the story.


I really want to see any het pairing (Phoenix/Maya is my preference) make love in a Japanese-style hot springs bath.
Bonus points if there's lots of touching while they wash each other down before entering the springs.

A possible story idea where Maya ends up with an unplanned pregnancy with someone other than Phoenix. Imagine the fun as Phoenix has to put up her unusual food cravings and an upset Pearl when she finds out the baby isn't his.

There's a lot of Phoenix/Maya stuff out there where they are all lovey-dovey and perfect together, and that's great and all, but I'd like something a little bit different.
I want Phoenix and Maya to have an argument. And not like some little, trivial, "why must we always have burgers" kind of thing - I'm talking something big and important, maybe even philosophical.
Bonus points if there is some introspective fuming/angst after the argument. SUPER bonus points if they make up some time later and then have hot and sweaty makeup sex

Post AJ:AA, Phoenix and Maya meet each other in a bar, spend the night chatting and flirting, and eventually head to Phoenix's place for some hot sex.
The twist? It's been seven years since they last met, and they don't recognise each other.
Until the morning, when the sudden realization hits them...

I read one of those depressing fanfics, where Maya never saw Phoenix again for the next 7 years, and what's worse, got married to someone she didn't really like in some arranged wedding.
I hate fics like that. So I'd be eternally grateful if someone writes a fic where Maya rejects her arranged wedding, preferably because she has feelings for that shocking disbarred hobo. And the village elders' horrified reaction.

One of Maya's dreams comes true when Will Powers arranges for her to be an extra in his latest show. She drags Phoenix along for the ride.
The director decides that the perfect spot for the two of them is as a couple making out in the background of a club/party/some other situation where a couple making out in the background wouldn't be out of place scene.
Awkwardness ensues. And then maybe pleasure.

Maya and Phoenix are for the win, are they not? I would like them, in a relationship, where one of the has self esteem issues. The other fixes them with tender, sweet lovin'!

I'd like to see a story where Maya is being forced by the Elders to marry against her will. They could coerce her, drug her or otherwise. Somehow Phoenix finds out about it and races off to try and stop the wedding. How will he get there and will he make it in time?
Bonus points if he shouts 'OBJECTION!' to stop the wedding.

While in bed together, Phoenix watches Maya as she sleeps, and can't stop thinking about how beautiful she is, and how blessed he is to have her by his side.

Anon works in a library. Dirty dirty things happen in libraries. Seriously. Wash your hands when you leave those places.
There are law libraries. Lawyers would frequent them.
Anon bets with all the sex going on here, there has got to be some super!hot!law!library!sex!


Okay, so I have a HUGE weakness for life stories. You know, the ones that follow characters for most (if not all) of their lives, as they grow and change and the world changes around them. What happens to characters as they get older fascinates me. (So you can imagine the 'OMGYAY' feeling I got out of 33-year-old!Phoenix. IT WAS LIKE THEY'D MADE HIM JUST FOR ME.)
SO, Anonymous, I would like to see the AA cast ...let's say twenty years in the future.

Where Phoenix must fake a marriage for idk... Maybe his custody of Trucy is being contested (HOBOS DO NOT MAKE A LOT OF MONEY AMIRITE?) and he wants to put up the facade of having a nuclear family, or something. So he marries his very close, platonic friend Maya. The thing is he has feeling for Edgeworth, only he thinks they're unrequited. And now when he's talking to him / coming to him for legal advice Miles is acting kind of strange. Like he's jealous. BUT THIS CANNOT BE BECAUSE PHOENIX IS IN A LOVING MARRIAGE. D:
Long prompt is long. In short: Nick/Miles with Maya Wright somewhere in there as well, and a big stupid ending where everyone's happy. Go crazy, anon?

I'm feeling a little crappy this week, so I'd love it if someone did something where the characters were happy, either cuddled up in bed or just having a few laughs.
If you want to do smut, then I guess one of them would have the giggles during sex and they just can't stop.



Maya Fey had never considered Phoenix anything more than a close friend - until one night, he unexpectedly stars in one of her more, er, erotic dreams. Now all she can think about when she's around him is sleeping with him!



I want some Phoenix/Maya sex, but not the normal cute kind we've had of late. I want to see some hot, rough, sweaty, heavy lovemaking, with plenty of deep kisses and groping. Make Phoenix very manly (chest hair, muscle etc) and Maya as eager to please him as possible.

"A lawyer can't cry until it's all over"
So, I suspect there were tears for Phoenix after 4-4. I'd hope that Maya, Edgeworth or both were there for him. Emotional release for Phoenix, please.

Phoenix is having trouble concentrating on studying to re-take the bar exam, so Maya offers to help him out by supervising him and giving him tests.
He keeps struggling though, so Maya gives him an incentive: For every question he gets right, she removes one item of clothing.

Someone gives Maya a copy of either the Kama Sutra or "PsycheLocks in the bedroom; a Kurain guide to tantric sex Phoenix finds said book in her bedroom.

So, maybe, possibly, someone can have Phoenix seeing his his first (natural) child for the first time.

Hobo!Phoenix gets caught with Maya's undies.

Phoenix and Maya have passionate, knock-'em-down, no holds barred, doing the nasty sex session.In Edgeworth's office.

I want to see something in the vein of this comic I found:
Namely, Maya wearing nothing but Phoenix's old suit jacket.
Perhaps Maya likes to masturbate while wearing it to remind her of Nick, perhaps Phoenix loans her the jacket while she's undressing and finds her incredibly cute and sexy in it.

Phoenix & Maya. Bathing suit shopping. A speedo may be threatened.



Maya as a tiny fairy who sits on Phoenix's shoulder is adorable, and as such, I would love some fic about it. Perhaps Fairy!Maya hides in Nick's pocket to give him clues, or just cheers him up while he's working at his desk. Just give me some cute.

Rescue Sex

Let's see Maya discovering the joy of masterbation. Cause hey, why should Franziska have all the fun? Bonus points if Phoenix or another character catch her in the act, and decide to... lend a hand.

Big, Beefy Phoenix. Call me crazy anon, but I was a lady finding out about that fine physique hidden under that blue suit.

I really regret that Maya and Pearl were never in Apollo Justice. It would have been fun to see how they would greet and interect with Apollo and Trucy. I see Maya teasing Apollo relentlessly and mystifying the poor boy in tandem with Trucy. A friendship between the two would be awesome.
So lets make it happen.

Post GS4. Phoenix got his badge back, Trucy has moved out, Maya has moved in, and Phoenix and Maya are in an established relationship. One day comes along where they have absolutely nothing to do. They decide to just kick back and relax. This lasts all of an hour before one (or both) becomes incredibly bored and they must think of things to help pass the time.

Phoenix and Maya are in a relationship, but whenever Phoenix brings up the subject of sex, Maya instantly tries to duck out and avoid him, and is reluctant to let him take off her clothes. Phoenix asks what's bothering her, but she refuses to tell him.
Then he accidentally walks in on her while she's changing, and sees that Maya has a huge scar across her back from a childhood injury.


Maya reminds Phoenix that today is the tenth aniversary of the day they first met. So Phoenix takes her out for a special night together, and finally fufills that promise he made to her during 1-4: To take her on a boat ride out on Lake Gourd.
Phoenix has an secret motive though: He intends to ask Maya to marry him.

Maya Fey and Franziska von Karma have made a friendly (yeah, right) bet.
Franziska says she'll have Edgeworth begging to fuck her by the end of the trial. Maya says she can make Phoenix beg first.

"So really, for several months now, we've been dating without my knowledge?

My best friend's parents did the cutest thing.
His father's a big guy, and his mom's a little tiny thing, and he and I were outside in the summer heat, and they came out with us, and the ground was too hot for his mother, so she hopped up, and his father grabbed her and kinda sat her on his chest. So she was hugging his head. It was adorable. I'd like to see a couple doing this.

Since being made Master of Kurain, Maya has been forced into an arranged marriage by the clan elders, who also barred her from seeing the disgraced Phoenix. She gets married to some old but important fop, and does her duty (and thinks of England Kurain). Several future heirs to the Fey line are produced.
After 4-4, Phoenix, Trucy and Apollo go to visit. Apollo notices, however, all of Maya's kids look oddly familiar...Particularly the little boy with slicked back spiky hair...

I am dearly in love with Mister Mystery's fanfics ( where post AJ:AA, Maya gives up the title of Channeling Master to Pearl, and lives a happy life with Phoenix and Trucy, helping to run their new law firm. So give me something with Lawyer!Phoenix and Hot Sexy Legal Assistant!Maya. Sex in the office, making out while working on a case, cuddling after a hard days work, whatever. Just give me a happy tale.

So. This anon really wants to see some stuffing. By which I mean, someone eating so much food at once that their stomach gets all big and distended.

Some years after T&T, Maya is requested by the clan elders to think about furthering the Fey bloodline (or she's just feeling naturally broody.) and decides that she wants to have a baby. And who better to be the father than Phoenix?

So Anon, I'd like to see Phoenix and Maya in a hotel, with some very, VERY vocal neighbors in the room next door. After trying to ignore it, bang on the wall, etc, they decide if they can't beat them, then they should-outvocalize them. In short, Phoenix and Maya try to out loud!sex their hotel neighbors. Super Bonus points if they find out it's Edgeworth next door.

So many of our cultural sexual narratives focus on penetration and orgasm. This time I'd like something different... sex without either of the two. You think you can do it?

Maya is the Kurain Master, yes? And the games prove that the Kurain Master is a veeeery powerful position.I must see this Maya. I smell a Jurist System trial. And, given she's still into Steel Samurai in all incarnations, we assume she's more or less her same quirky self. Since I like Phoenix/Maya, I want them to have got together, Phoenix again be a lawyer or some non-hobo occupation, oh and the kink:

Phoenix and Maya have been dating for several months, and are enjoying a day out together when Maya suddenly collaspes in horrific pain. Phoenix immediately takes her to the hospital, the two of them scared and confused at what is happening. The doctor them gives them the startling news:
Completely unbeknowst to her, Maya has been pregnant for the last nine months, and is giving birth to the baby right now.

After 4-4, Phoenix decides to apply himself to his music, and discovers that he's actually really, really good at playing piano.
A year or so later, and Phoenix has become a highly popular musician, his album going platinum, and his performances saught after all over the country. He's got tons of fangirls and other famous types trying to get his attention, but he only has eyes for one person...


Something happens to Phoenix. He gets kidnapped, he goes missing, maybe he just gets injured, whatever. Now it is up to Maya to rescue him/find him/discover who tried to kill him.

There's been a rumor going around that a hot man wearing glasses with long-short black hair going to a burger joint every saturday with a Short girl. Apparently the man is so hot, it's even heard in the courthouse.
The PW gang Go there to find out if it's true. So they go there on a Saturday, but no such man is there. Phoenix saids that he and Maya goes to the same burger join on Saterdays and there's no such man. So this time they try again, without Phoenix or Maya...

Is that an objection in your pants or are you just happy to see me?

Given that Kurain seems to be Japanese Culture Central in PW, it's not a stretch to imagine that Maya can speak some Japanese. So..
Phoenix watches Maya speaking in Japanese, and somehow finds the accent she uses incredibly arousing. So that night, when they're together in bed, he asks her to speak only in Japanese as they make out. Maya puts on her sexiest voice in order to drive him wild.

We've had Phoenix proposing around here before. Now I want the situation reversed.
Phoenix gets an urgent call from Maya to come to Kurain right away. He rushes over and enters Fey Manor, where he finds Maya waiting for him, dressed in a stunning gown and in a room completely filled with candles.
Maya then asks Phoenix to marry her.

What I'd really LOVE is if Maya found Nick's old sweater, and has him try it on to see if it still fits and... you guessed it! He turns back into Feenie <3

After seeing Vera and Drew's artworks during 4-4, Phoenix decides to take up art again, and is pleased to see that his painting skills haven't completely gone. He then asks Maya if she would like to model for a portrait. Maya happily agrees... then Phoenix asks if she would mind posing nude. Maya reluctantly agrees to this, but soon discovers that Phoenix studying her nude body intently is highly arousing...

Turn Nick into a three-headed tentacle monster and Maya into a naga with shitting dick nipples. And keep them in-character.

Check out this awesome Gurren Lagann artwork:
I want to see Phoenix in a similar picture, sitting on a throne (or just his office chair) with Maya by his side, and looking so goddamn smug and badass it hurts.


Maya has a been a given a beauty product that leaves her smelling and maybe even tasting a bit like chocolate cake batter. And Phoenix loves chocolate. The more smutty, the better.

I would like to see a fic where a couple of your choice reflects on the beauty of snow.

Maya is raped while down visiting phoenix when this happens and decides not to go back to kurain early so she doesnt have to deal with being master during her mental recoup. she's changed from her optimistic self.
i'd like a fic where phoenix turns her back into her old self while feeling completely guilty and responsible for what he couldn't have possibly have prevented.

This Anon (hereinafter referred to as a cat) requests some more Nick/Maya (hereinafter referred to as the pairing), of which there has been very little lately.The preferred subject for the story is kissing (hereinafter referred to as the kink). Hot. Hard. Consensual. Deep. Everywhere. For hours. Upon hours. Upon hours. Upon more hours.

Phoenix is forced to join Maya as she camps out overnight in a long line for something important. (New DS, Steel Samurai live show tickets, whatever.) Boredom eventually sets in as the wait continues well into the night, and Phoenix and Maya decide to keep each other warm by sharing a sleeping bag. Things steadily get more intimate, until the two decide to just have sex, right there in the queue.

Phoenix x Maya. Psyche lock bondage. (Ooh, metal chains.)
Phoenix is the submissive.
I want to see this.

Maya has had enough of Phoenix's stubble, and insists that she gets to shave it off. Phoenix agrees, but only if she gets to shave Maya's legs.
So Maya sits on Phoenix's lap in the bathroom, and the two shave each other, with lots of sensual touching and stroking of skin.



Mia/Godot with Godot completely on bottom and submissive and preferably blind and helpless. Extra points for sweetness and healing.

Godot is visited by Mia's ghost. Romance and angst ensues#

Where one or both of a pairing is sick, and there is much fluff and petting and general d'awww moments. But it could get porny too, if you want.

Diego singing the 'Single Female Lawyer*' theme to tease her.

I'd like a fanfic where a character wakes up with hickeys all over their body from a love making session with their partner. And struggling to make up excuses when someone in public notices them.

Mia gives Diego his ring.

Mia goes over to Diego's apartment after a late night at the office. Diego forgot some important paper work. A quick visit ends in oral

There needs to be more DIEGO/MIA stuff!!
Something that NEEDS to be done....their last meeting before Diego goes off to see Dahlia..
Can have sex, fluff, an angsty fight that mia regrets since he ends up 'dying', regrettable last words, unregrettable last words....OR ALL COMBINED!! Doesn't matter!!

I'm not sure how no one has requested it yet, but I want to see some unapologetically sappy Diego/Mia GOOD END. Do whatever you want to their canon, just so long as at the end they are both alive and happy!



I want to see Diego and Mia's first time together in bed. Not necessarily the sex part, but how they reacted to it; the aftermath. What they talk about, how they react to it

Grossberg, looking for the evidence files from a case at hand, opens up a drawer Mia or Diego's desk and pulls out...A bra. Thinking it nothing more than a piece of evidence, he digs deeper into the drawer, and winds up coming across a bottle of coffee-flavoured body chocolate.
Then a pair of fuzzy handcuffs.
THEN a cheerleader/naughty nurse/policewoman outfit.
So he has to have a talk with the two. Hilarity ensues.


So everyone loves to write Diego as a sex god (with his broad shoulders, sexy smirk and teasing pet names...who could blame them?)
But even the best sex machine must run out of batteries sometimes!
So what anon desires...
Diego and Mia, about to have hawt sex, as usual.
But he can't get it up.

Mia and Diego (already in a committed, stable relationship) go to a party. Something is slipped into Mia's drink without her noticing. Diego sees that something is wrong, and they leave the party. He gets her home with the intention of putting her to bed and letting her sleep whatever it was off, but as a side-effect of the drug, she has become very, very aroused.

So for whatever reason, Mia asks Diego to choose between coffee, or her. (can be for forever or just a short period of time)
He, for whatever reason (being cocky, jokingly etc.), chooses coffee.
It is then up to Mia to make him regret his decision.
Anon wants Mia totally torturing the begeezes out of Diego with teasing and massive seduction!!

I'm heard that Diego is totally a sex god. He might be but I'd LOVE to see a spin. I want Diego/Mia but before they have sex, (if you take it that far) we find out, he is actually a virgin. YES DIEGO IS A VIRGIN FIC PLZ!

Mia giving Diego head.
...while beneath the defense's bench.
In court.

Young!Mia's got some news for Grossberg, since it's best to keep your boss informed about big issues that come up in your life.
She can't think of a better way to say it, so... Mr. Grossberg...
She's fucking Diego.

My wish is for some Diego(or Godot)/Mia sickfic! We've already had an adorable one where Mia exhausts herself with work, so this time let's see Diego (or some lovely Pime!Taradox or channeled!Mia and Godot for extra <3... he's easier to get sick, too) when even the boiling heat of coffee won't give him energy. Mia must nurse her poor cranky man back to health. After all, we know men are babies when they're sick.

I've read plenty of fics about Diego waking up after the coma and all, and some where he talks to Mia's ghost in his dreams and whatnot.
But has anyone ever written the moment where he finds out that Mia is dead? He probably didn't find out immediately -- he might have been waiting for days (even weeks!) hopeful that he'd see his kitten again, just unsure why it's so hard to contact her...
Someone eventually breaks the news to him (probably Grossberg, he's the best I can think of) and after it finally sinks in, I want Diego to break down crying.

Mia and Diego are at a club, and someone drugs Mia's drink. She's led/dragged/stumbles her way to another room downstairs somewhere, where some jackass proceeds to rape her.
Diego realizes something's wrong and all but tears the place apart looking for her. When he storms in mid rape he BEATS THE CRAP OUT OF THAT GUY. And comforts Mia.


So here is your mission, should you chose to accept it! Mia, who as we know is a strong woman, getting fucked completely brainless into the bed/desk/wall/chair (my personal preference would be desk, taking her from behind, but that's just me!) Mia loves it and then makes Diego go get her a warm washcloth and a sandwich

Anonymous would really like... some Godot/dead!Mia-in-Maya's-body. Preferably angsty and romantic with vulnerable!Godot and cooperative!Maya trying to help her sister and sister's boyfriend get some closure. Bonus points for taking off the visor/working in Godot's blindness somehow. Anon does not really care whether there is smut or not, so knock yourself out.

I'm thinking about breast-play. Mia/Diego is the obvious pairing, but it doesn't have to be that one if anon prefers. Let's see some love lavished over beautiful breasts, anon!

Diego/Mia Diego very, very dominant, some bondage would even be fine, but all very consensual please!

Diego awakens to find he has a cute little son with Mia. You can take this to fluff-land or angstville, don’t care.
Bonus points for: a scene where Mia and the kid (I call him little Diego for some reason) are visiting and Mia has to explain why “daddy is always sleeping.”

Porn, wherein our lovely male star of your choice, is underdeveloped in the crotch region. How does his partner react upon seeing this man is not as well hung as they anticipated?

Mia... was in a coma, instead of being dead, soul separated from her body for the longest time. When the autopsy was almost ready to be preformed, she woke up, etc, etc, a doctor took her home, kept her alive, secretly. When she awakes from a coma, amnesia ensues, but she eventually remembers, and goes back to law.
She meets Godot. He could be prosecuting a case she's defending, just give me angst. give me love and angst, anon.

Mia. Diego. Beach. Any time of the day is awesome. Sexy time is optional.

Diego/Mia. Mia discovers that Diego reflexively starts muttering in Spanish as he, uh... climaxes. Because son of a bitch that's hot.

Diego X Mia. Their first kiss. But Mia is the aggressor.

Alright, so this anon is currently engaging in severe gastric distress. Which, yea, whatever, that's okay: what's terrible is that a) I was forced to go home, b) my coworkers demanded I not drink coffee, and c) they bought me, and are making me drink, KEFIR. Anon is utterly demoralized. KEFIR?! This is goopy and sweet and white, unlike my old, steaming bitter friend!
The only healing available is for THIS TO OCCUR TO FICTIONAL CHARACTERS.

Something cute and fluffy I've always wanted to see... After Sex Pillow Talk!!

This month's Gyakuten Snapshot:
There's your prompt, Anon! Pretty please?

Mia is a powerful, beautiful Egyptian pharaoah and Diego is a slave working in the palace.

I want to see Godot (or Diego) as a wonderful father. Preferably to a sweet little daughter. Preferably with Mia as the mother.

Riddled with guilt, Diego finally confesses to Mia that he's been cheating on her.With coffee.


Woman-on-top basically

Ron/Desiree. Since I don't think Ron would ever, ever take control in canon for something intimate. Something sweet, in-character, sex can be shown or implied, but really, show us that sweet DeLite loving that Desiree fell so hard for

Something fluffy and cute. With crossdressing

Ron and Desiree Delite engaging in dressing-up play/cosplay in the bedroom.

Sex on a speeding motorcycle, possibly while being chased by the cops.

Desiree is diagnosed as suffering from hypersexuality (nymphomania), Ron struggles to keep up.

I want to see a couple having to deal with a strange kink, such as either of the following.
Axillary Intercourse - Sex with armpits
Oculolinctus - arousal from licking eyeballs.

One character walking in on another masturbating. Any pairing is fine.

The Vagina Monologues. Because He Liked to Look At It, about a woman who hated her vagina until she met a guy who loved it.


Creampies, that is... A guy coming inside his partner without protection.

Porn, wherein our lovely male star of your choice, is underdeveloped in the crotch region. How does his partner react upon seeing this man is not as well hung as they anticipated?

There is no Desiree/Ron sexy art out there! could you possibly stand up to the challenge, brave anon?


Gumshoe Maggey. I crave cute little fluffsmut with them like you wouldn't believe.


Gumshoe/Maggey Fluff

So! I want fic. Mentioning the Blue Badger. Any pairing, any kink.
Bonus points for Blue Badger condoms.
Bonus points forever if it's two people trying to do a commercial for Blue Badger condoms and they get... distracted.

Gumshoe comes up with a super romantic elaborate plan for how he will propose to Maggey, and everything goes horribly, horribly wrong...But she still says yes.

Maggey is in extreme danger. And Gumshoe, mustering all his courage and skill in the name of love, decides to rescue her. While he successfully gets Maggey to safety, it nearly costs him his life.


Mia/Phoenix, anything really. Pre-death!

Mia/Phoenix pegging

This anon is a little disappointed at the total lack of Phoenix/Channeled!Mia stories in this kink meme. There are so many things you can do with it,

I really want to see the consequences of Phoenix eating the poison bottle in case one of game three. Mia and/or Miles visiting, Miles sending well wishes/flowers, implied Mia/Phoenix or Phoenix x Miles, I'm open to most anything.

Lonely-for-Diego!Mia entices Phoenix to bed under the pretense that she just needs to feel someone again, but ends up feeling much more after the experience than originally planned.
Bonus points if Phoenix is completely smitten with his chief but (badly) pretends he isn't to spare her feelings. Super-bonus points if he's kind of submissive.

Mia finger-fucking Diego/Phoenix.
The guy doesn't necessarily have to be gay, but he fucking loves it.

Now while penises are nice and all, boobs are nice too, and this meme needs more of them. What I want anon, is a character fascinated by another character's boobs.


Edgeworth/Lana Skye. Edgeworth pays Lana a conjural visit in prison, and they relieve some stress. In the obvious way.

Edgeworth/Lana, during the two years between SL-9 and case 1-4. Using each other for no-strings sex, because neither of them can deal with emotions at that point.

Edgeworth and Lana, living together. The two have gotten past their various issues (well, mostly) and share an apartment in domestic bliss. Bonus points if Ema's around to tease them.


Smut. Older Ema Skye and Miles Edgeworth. Fluff and pillow talk optional.

Edgeworth overhears Ema's little fantasy about his couch and decides to give her one better.
Maybe by tieing her to it and stripping? Whatever Anon thinks is kinky.

Why won't he love me?
I've made it so painfully obvious.
I care for him so much...


OH I KNOW I want someone walking in on them kissing. Apollo/Vera

Bonus points if you can *somehow* make it smutty. That will truly be epic.

Vera needs a male nude model to practice her art. As one of the few males she's comfortable with and trusts, she asks Apollo. Doesn't have to end up smutty, but if she gets curious because he's clearly aroused, anon would appreciate.

I'd like to see some drunk!Apollo/Vera.

It's a heatwave in the city, and Apollo and Vera go to the roof of their bulding to do some sunbathing


So. I'm dying for Klavier/Ema with period sex.

Kay, guys. I'm looking for some Klavier/Ema, which is elluding me sooooo.
The glimmerous fop has been through a lot, what with SPOILER and SPOILER, but he puts up a pretty good front for the most part. Still, life's gotta be tough. Maybe Ema catches on. Maybe she doesn't and her uber-grouchiness sets him off. I don't know. A sick fic is fine, too.

Klavier/Ema while Ema is having excrutiatingly horrendous cramps from her period? With Klavier not knowing how to act around a hormonal female in pain. Bonus points if Klavier goes to HoboHodo for advice on women problems

I'd love a pic of Klavier draping his jacket over a cold/wet Ema's shoulders to help her keep warm.

I'd like to request a fic where Ema, sick and tired of that glimmerous fop's awful flirting, reports Klavier for sexual harassment.

Some form of het wetsex.

I think a dancing (older) Ema would be hot



Once upon a time, anon requested tiny!Franziska asking Miles to be her prince, and older!Franziska attempting to hold him to that request.

I had another PW-related dream last night. Franziska was very sick, and Edgeworth was taking care of her. I think it would be a really cute fic!


Consensual...with Franziska wearing a strap-on.

I request some Gumshoe/Franziska. Gumshoe was getting pretty mouthy in game 3, and actually backtalked Edgeworth and Franziska quite a bit, so lets see him show Franzy that he IS indeed a man.

I want to see Franzy as a bridezilla

I want to see Franziska being sweet. We've seen a love-high Edgeworth, so I think we need to see a loving Franziska (towards Gumshoe)


Larry/Maya. He paints a picture of her. Bonus points if serious feelings are there in some way

I was thinking for semi-public/exposed places as the kink.

Anon would like Nyotaimori - the practise of eating (sushi) off a naked body Larry/Maya

Larry/Maya, at that giddy, horny stage of new love (or at least new lust). Maya sneaks away from some Official Kurain Shit she doesn't absolutely have to be present for, and the two of them run off to the Side Room for hurried, half-clothed sexytiems.


Phoenix/Franziska, bondage preferably involving the whip

Phoenix masturbating furiously to the thought of her mercilessly dominating him and at the same time feeling confused as hell about why it turns him on so much.

Okay, a couple weeks ago, I was pissed. Just pissed. That kinda pissed where all you wanna do is light something on fire and chuck furniture into the flames and cackle as they burn. It was a really bad day. Then the next morning, I woke up and had a sudden desire to see this fic:

Could HoboNick top Franziska?

absolutely anything hot starring Franziska.


Some Viola/Tigre bondage would be greatly appreciated

Furio Tigre/Viola. Slow day at Tender Lender, the two are trying to figure out what to do while waiting for customers. Make it nice and fluffy for me, Anon, tamed!Tigre is really a sight to behold.

It's Don Tigre's birthday, and Viola's waiting in his dirty apartment bedroom for it. She flips open the suitcase next to her, and reveals all kinds of bondage gear: Blindfold, handcuffs, numerous types of vibrators, a collar and a chain leash. Tonight, the Don can have her "Any way he wants her."


Edgeworth/Maya. Oral sex on the couch (when they were supposed to be watching TV), and Phoenix walks in on them by mistake.

Maya x Edgeworth!!! Because I deem it so!
KINK: Maya cosplaying as Edgeworth and vice-versa.

Any pairing m/m, f/f, f/m...except I don't really want any canon bad guys.
Kink is DEEP THROATING!!! With the person doing it sometimes choking but enjoying the hell out of it.

Maya/Edgeworth. Maya is extremely confident, Edgeworth is shy.


You know how in Case 4-3, when you present something to Machi in the Detention Center, He'll say something Borginian, and Trucy will jokingly translate it as "I'm sorry I cannot speak your language. You are a fair and beautiful maiden."?
Well, Trucy decides to learn the Borginian language herself, and is rather shocked to discover that her translation was what Machi was REALLY saying.
So I'd love to see some Machi/Trucy romance, with the two trying to break down the language barrier to get closer to each other.

Trucy/Machi, slight dubcon: Trucy has so much sex with Machi he GOES BLIND.


Will/Penny. While rehearsing a fight scene, there's a flub and Will gets hurt--not too much, but enough that it needs to be treated. Penny is in charge of that, and cute-possible-sexy ensues

Will messes up his lines during a scene


Jake/Lana with dirty cowboy talk.

Twisted anon would like some tear-jerking Jake/Lana heartbreak please.
Specfically, them being completely smitten and head-over-heels in love with each other, even starting to talk about seriously settling down and planning their future together and everything. And then SL-9 happens.

Jake/Lana fluff, post Rise from the Ashes. They've done their time, and because they can't shake off the feelings they have for each other, they reunite and start dating again. Jake forgives her for her misdeeds because he can't blame her for being terrified of Gant and protective of her sister. Time heals wounds, they get married, and together they have a baby boy...whom they name Neil.

I would like to ask for Jake x Lana. Only this is before the SL-9 incident, so I want them to be high on life and sheer happiness.



Something hetero with Matt Engarde that has little to no mention of Juan Corrida in it

Mia/Von Karma--Mia and Manfred von Karma meet...somehow and get into a game of wits, complete with sexual tension and double entandres

Maya + Cody Hackins, steel samurai roleplay

Matt/Dahlia. Hey, they WERE in jail for a little while, right?

Gumshoe/Mia, something centered around Gumshoe being a hopelessly smitten cuddly teddy bear

A female character is heavily pregnant, (about 7-9 months along) and her partner finds her incredibly sexy because of it.

This anon would like to request some kinky femdom action with Franny and Edgey - Franziska's always privately enjoyed having a little brother. Bonus points for genuine love/affection/emotional dependency between the two.

One of the characters is going through "that time of the month" and her lover seeks to comfort her Edgeworth/Adrian

Lotta Hart. The side benefits of being paparazzi, or, what exactly IS it she does in the back of that SUV all day? Alternately, when voyeurism goes wrong."

Gumshoe/Mia, as inspired by game 3 case 4. I would like it requited, please, and as fluffy as possible

Let's see some Ema/Phoenix. Hopefully includes Ema initiating, slow removal of clothes, and exhibitionism.

THIS MEME NEEDS MORE VALANT. I don't care who you pair him with as long as it's not his bunnies, Trucy, or Apollo. All I ask is that he has the pornstache and that he's wearing Lamiroir's clothes. At least, for a while.

I've love to see two villains from different cases meet with each other after they are released from prison. They both want to move on from their sordid pasts and earn some semblance of a normal life, so they agree to help each other out. This leads to a deep friendship between the two, and possibly a romance.

Phoenix/Lamiroir: I NEED SOME
A thousand billion million points for blind!Lamiroir POV

Wocky/Vera--Them going on a date? I don't care if you give me fluff or smut anon, this pairing is just too painfully cute to ignore.

I have a horrible need for Wocky/Maya.
I desire something cute and sweet, anon. Hey, maybe even a little smutty.

I want some porn with Godot and any member of the Fey family (main or branch) that isn't Mia.

Neil Marshall proposes to Lana Skye with a field of daffodils a la Big Fish.

Manfred von Karma strives for perfection in all things, right? So, logically, Manfred von Karma is perfect in bed. That is what I want fic of. Any het pairing is fine, 'cos I'm not fond of most of the slash he's in, and if someone could write his wife it'd be great but I'm not picky. Also, er. I'd prefer something that at least tries to be sexy rather than all-out crack, but lulz are fine too.

Alita Tiala and Wocky Kitaki please?

Has no one requested SHIBARI (!
Give me some lovely shibari, Anon, preferably m/f, but I'll accept m/m, too!

Larry discovers the kink meme. And proceeds to fill every request he can find involving him and the females of the Ace Attorney world. (femles -only-, please.) Bonus points if the fics he writes are hilariously bad and the women spend the whole fic marveling at his size.

Dahlia and Kristoph? As childhood friends who were evil influences on each other from the start. They inevitably stop seeing eachother after Dahlia does the whole fake jewelnapping thing or Kristoph goes back to Germany, etc. What I want is their reunion after many years, sometime between cases 3-4 and 3-1. And it's almost...romantic. Or as romantic as these two could possibly get.

For some reason I really want to see Trucy in a threesome with both of the Gavin brothers.

You know how sometimes you get into one of Those Relationships? Where you're ridiculously happy a lot, but sometimes you get dizzy, and your hands go numb and your mouth goes dry and you want to say awesome romantic things to the person you're involved with but you just get totally bumbly from the way you feel?
Maya/Will Powers. Either or both of them in Completely Disorientated By Love mode.

Lana angsts about how Gant is cold and uncontrolling, how he can't care for anyone except himself and how she's only a toy to him.Not even a few hours later, during an investigation gone wrong... a killer aims a gun at Lana, and Gant steps in the shot.
He dies. Either on the scene, or in the hospital.

Anon, your mission is... make me like Phoenix/Thalassa.

Dahlia goes out looking for a boyfriend

I now KNOW that there are Godot/Maya fans out there.
Maybe Maya visits Godot in jail and they get some alone time? Really, anything goes; I'm just desperate to read about this rare pairing.



I would like to see anyone/Legal!Ema/anyone. You read that right, a threesome.

Legal!Trucy/Edgeworth; past Wright/Edgeworth. It can be one sided if anon wants.

Larry/Elise Deauxnim. Fluff, or just sex with a mature woman who knows what the hell she's doing. ...OR BOTH.

Apollo x Viola. This has become my OTP

Apollo/Trucy/Klavier. Kink: Using Trucy's scarf as a blindfold on her.

Phoenix/Iris/Edgeworth, just sleeping together

I want me some delicious Daryan x Ema.
The hitch? I want hot science lab shenanigans/smut.

Hows about some Kristoph/Alita?

Me needs Wocky. Maybe with Alita. Feather love, baby. :D

Daryan/Ema and the war against makeup.

Anon wants to see Ema all dolled up and being made to feel like the prettiest woman on earth because Daryan keeps complimenting her. And yes, there must be Daryan x Ema.

Alright, all I want is an EmaXApollo. The kink? Well, handcuffs would amuse me very much...but that, my dear Anon, is up to you.

Jake/Angel. Hot hot sex in a car. Or on a car. Whatever fits.

So, we've seen a decent amount of Cody/Pearl, and a heavy amount of Trucy/Pearl. BUT HAVE WE SEEN CODY/TRUCY?

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