Aug 26, 2004 21:51
Jesus christ, music does a number on me.
Verge of tears from overwhelming emotion well near four or five times in the last two days. Ben Folds tends to make one significantly aware of the insignificance of most aspects about humanity. That was a HUGE chunk of it. Also though, one of his songs made me think of my ex, who incidentally IMed me today, i had sent her an E-mail several weeks ago with no reply, turns out her e-mail addy sucks, as i expected. *shrugs* got another one. Then Radiohead always gets to me, soo pretty. Then Neutral Milk Hotel Reminded me of that time in English where I was the only guy in the entire room, near the end of the year, sitting around with a bunch of people I always wish i knew better, Leah started Strumming away the King of Carrot Flowers, remembering that made me think about the significance and depth of so many of the people i have come to know. The detail in each character and all that i have yet to come to know in even some of my closer of friends.
Then to top it all off, with Much Humor, The final music that almost brought me to tears. Tchaikovsky's 5th, La Mer by DeBussy, and The overture to "The Corsair." All very cool pieces, but not particularly touching. What has me running in circles is that I have to be able to play all them decently by MONDAY! *weeps* you may not realize but most of these are multi-movement which means like, three or four songs in one.
AT any rate, I'm cool now, all is chilled. Got the chance to talk to most of you today, that rocked and put me in a decent mood, one of you i had to run off before i could speak to, sorry. The rest of you weren't on, or i was limited by my inability to talk to more than three people at the same time.
Anyway, the other thing that has me curiously thoughtful is most of your varied responses to college, despite leaving for college a good month earlier, most of you have started it all before I did. Especially those of you who are around 6 years older than I am, those that read. ( so not so much your reactions, though your too even...your extended reactions) At any right all that has me severely confused and anxious about Monday. Also, I have yet to turn in my final transcript which they still say i need, even though I've already registered for classes, paid tuition, and am going to class in a few days. I'm waking up early tomorrow to take care of that. Some of you talked more before this whole college thing, and some of you talk decidedly less. Getting settled in is always weird and many of you are sure to change, so If you care at all, talk to me every now and then, earnestly talk to me, or else i might start to lose faith in humanity or something. If I'm being hard to get to, i encourage you to go to extremes!
Uhmmm... Significant thoughts perhaps in another post. It's weird though, I don't know if it's only me or i any of you notice it too, but ever since i moved here, my mind has seemed to awaken from some Public school induced stupor, or maybe it was just miami, i can't say, i know it's not fair to hold anything against the place, but back in elementary school i thought more too, and during summers or other significant breaks, so I really can't think of anything else i might be able to attribute it to, Perhaps my old Life at home, which was occasionally oppressive and certainly raised the amount of tension in my life, though to be fair i can't say it was all that bad. I dunno. I'm curious at any rate to know if any of you have noticed such a difference or if I'm just full of myself.
Honestly most of you don't care i suppose. That's something I've come to be more aware of. No one cares as much about what you think as you yourself do. At least usually that seems to be the case. For the longest time I just thought I honestly couldn't come up with anything interesting enough for other people to actually care about. though of course I'm still struggling with that, it could have in fact been the case, because as i mentioned earlier it felt like i was in some kind of mental stupor for a very long time during which it may well have been the case that I didn't come up with that many interesting thoughts. My most decent attempt was the story i started to make up, and some of my poetry.
Shame that, most of my poetry rings somewhat false with me now. Mainly because I'm no longer 'in love' as they say. At least...It' does entirely ring false, it was very significant and true at one point, but it was written for a specific person, and as I'm no longer allowed to think about that person in the same way, well, most of it is harder for even me to connect with, giving me a bit of perspective. Some of it however, that doesn't apply to her, I still extremely enjoy to read over every now and then.
Ramblings of a mentally hyperactive fool. At least you seem more foolish this way. the more thoughts you have strung together, the more likely one of 'em will be bad. Sorry.
Pleasure and Rain to everyone