Fuck (YA) Math!

Nov 18, 2009 17:22

Man with brown hair is Mr. Hand... (I /ed him with Mr. Larose which is the dude standing next to him >_<;)

I believe this happened 3 days ago... During my math class, while my teacher Mr. Hand was teaching the lesson. When he pulled the chalk board down to write more equations, (yes, our chalk boards slides) half of the students started chattering, some gasped. He turned around and observed the class, uncertain of what was wrong. Then he asked: "What's wrong?" One of the female students pointed at the chalk board above of the one he was focusing on, and he noticed a big 'FUCK MATH!' written in white chalk. The class braced themselves for a long scolding, but what came out was something entirely different. I confused, innocent: "Oh no!" Everyone laughed. Mr. Hand: "Well, I'm sure the person that wrote it didn't mean to write something like that... Everyone loves math! We all know that! Oh! they probably just made a mistake..." He added a tick between the 'FUCK MATH', and wrote 'YA' "This is what they wanted to write! Fuck ya, MATH!" 8D The class laughed so hard that day, someone even gagged. This story spread like wild fire too... and now I'm spreading it to you. ;)

P.S. He's defiantly uke *cough* >_>

math, fuck ya math

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