Oct 16, 2007 15:11
So, my little Lila decided
she wants to be late.
3 days late at that, maybe more.
I lost alot alot of mucous today,
extremely gross.
The doctor stripped my membranes
which made me have some contractions
but nothing epic.
I am scheduled to be induced
Monday the 22nd @ 9am...
that is if they have room
and let's hope to god she comes
I have gained so much weight it
is sickening.
Everyone keeps saying it is all baby
but this baby does not
weigh no 48 pounds...
although she does feel like it
at times.
They actually expect her to be about
7 and a half to 8.
What a chubby chunk! I can't wait!!
Need contractions please. K thanks.
Come on little Lila!
Mommy cannot wait to meet you!!!