Life is good but could be better

May 25, 2006 20:09

SO whos up for friday this week huh huh. Should be fun we actually may do somthing diffrent plus of course the same funness. Anyways Nfls were pretty good boys ended up being tied for 2nd with NT. blah but its a lot better than last year thats for sure. I ran my best 400 ever... so did brett I think. WE MISSED THE SCHOOL RECORD BY .4!!!!!! .4!!!!!!!!!! ROOOOAAAAAAAARRRRRR!!!!!!!! OMG! GRRRRR! but I should be proud of how I run 53.4 and Brett did 53.5. We are as fast as each other. We are like the same speed. we are like a duo! Tim and John could have run better though but its ok new time and we will hit that .4 and beat the record BY .4. Wedding saturday blah. m not going to our show saturday so u all can still go its just acoustics. It seemed like they wanted to do it anyways. cuz I told them I could get there if I left reception early but they were like no no so im like ok w/e. so yea. Thats all um Govt im scared. I am going downhill from a c+ and thats not good I need 3 credits to graduate .. I have 1. NOT GOOD AT ALL! so other than that yea. life is ok but could be better. Well Friday is coming and whos coming ! we will have quite the fun of enjoyment time or somthin like that. well thats all for now peace! Laterz~

I leave you with the first verse cuz I left the second 1 first on my last post

Everyone, everyone will listen
Even if it hurts sometimes
If you will come and hear the message
Everyone wants to learn to love again
Open up and come alive and you will
Can you hear my message
Leave your pain on the bedroom floor again
Bring a smile to survive
And do you think that you have it in you
If you're here and you're all alone tonight
Then I'll give you a free ride
Take a chance cause I know you want to
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