There's been a bug going around my office for a few weeks now and it seems that I am its latest victim. Have not been bad enough that I can justify staying home around the holidays (especially given that between people with planned vacations and calling out sick we've been extremely short handed), but I now officially feel like crap. Lots of coughing and feeling a bit achy and snuffly.
And then to cap it off, Mother Nature's gift of the month club arrived right on time to put the cherry on my sundae of cruddiness. Needless to say, I'm not going to be too useful today. Am right now planted in front of my tv nursing a cup of wonderful tea (compliments of
nekojita) watching MSNBC, At least watching the latest round of Republicans Being Stupid cheers me up.
Have suddenly realized that I have not watched a single episode of Supernatural this season. I have them on my DVR, but just haven't been able to bring myself to watch them. I've been hearing so many awful things about what they've been doing to my favorite character (who always seems to come up short in the "who's the better brother" fights that pop up in the fandom) that I just avoided it. I love this show so much and it's just been painful the past few seasons to see what they've done to it.