$1301 WTF PG&E!

Jan 11, 2014 18:04

Just got my most recent PG&E bill: $1301!!!!!!!!

Yeah, December was fucking cold, but holy shit!!! 3240 kwh???? Plus, January has yet another rate increase. 90% of that is at $0.363/kwh - tier 4, let us bleed you white because you dare to heat your home or have electronics.

Tier 4 is 200% of baseline and over, but the fucking baseline is set for a single person in an efficiency apartment, with one small fridge, one dinky tv, and no gadgets or electric heaters. Not an old victorian with a one lung furnace, several computers, cell phones, tablets, stereos, multiple fridge/freezers, and 5 people!

I have hated their ever-shrinking baseline since I was in a two bedroom apartment. I haven't been under baseline since I was in a one bedroom with no TV and a small fridge by myself. Then my bill actually showed a small uptick when I used my freaking sewing machine. That was 30 years ago, and the fuckery has only gotten worse.

I will be so glad when I get the solar installed. That will knock down the top half of my bill. The utilities aren't liking solar power much, it eats into their obscene profits. They can't gouge as much at the top tier, fuck you in the ass without lube, rate.
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