Jul 17, 2010 14:22
Oh Booo, Hooo! Apparently some version of the "I Write Like" meme link in some way to a vanity publishing site. Oh, Teh Horror!!
Wailing and gnashing of teeth has ensued all over LJ and DW. "It's A SCAM!!!11!!!" they scream. Waaaaaaahhh!! "You'll be cheeeeated!!!" Shrieeek!!
Yet not a single person has whined about the hundreds of cheesy memes linked to that godawful, pimp yourself out as a piece of meat dating site OKCupid. Oh, no, this is about writing, it's about art, that's somehow more holy than not being sucked into the cash eating meatmarket of online matchups at a site that only displays the "good looking" matches to "good looking" people.
Get the fuck over yourselves, people. The quiz is a joke, and anyone who falls for the crap behind any link is so stupid that they deserve what they get. Use your damned brains.
It could link straight to a testimonial driven "We can Improve™ your writing in just a week for just $250, let us give you a FREE trial now!!" bullshit site, and it would be just as valid a "meme" as any other - just another idle pastime put out as an advertisement, purchased only by the gullible or those that were searching for that anyway.
So grow up, and let me state this very clearly:
Posting in my blog of a Meme/Quiz with links does not constitute a "Product Endorsement" of those links!!
If you assume it does, please reconsider whether you want to read my blog.