The more I read about the details of this fucking bailout plan, the less I like it.
Yeah, if there's no bailout, the markets will crash, and the world will be very unhappy. BUT, any bailout will just reward the very people who've fucked us all over for years, with fantasy investment products and phony paper.
The people who perpetrated this fraud must pay the price, not have their pockets re-lined with taxpayer money after they've squandered investor capital.
This Jane Q Taxpayer wants all of those fancy pants brokers and shills and their CEOs to be out of work. These investment and credit bankers have beggared a generation of Americans, made us into a nation of debtors, sold us a bill of goods and then made it harder to start over with bankruptcy.
Actions have consequences, damnit, and the Paulson plan plain SUCKS!!!
No bailout without these items:
- Strong congressional oversight - no closed door deals.
- Equity for taxpayer cash - no equity stake in the company, no bailout money.
- Salary caps for executives of any company receiving federal funds - they get federal assistance, they get GS pay.
- Firms under bailout/restructuring can't dispense golden parachutes - standard severance of 1 week's pay for year of service.
- All non-real securities are deprecated and not sold - futures, derivatives, anything that requires an MBA to see the actual, hard value in.
Pass these 5 around.