SUPaahh17: !!1
SUPaahh17: asdfasdf
jes is 138: !!!one!!11!1!
SUPaahh17: asdf asdf pwn
SUPaahh17: asdf
SUPaahh17: asdfjkl;
SUPaahh17: home row bitches
SUPaahh17: lolll
jes is 138: hahaha
jes is 138: nerdfase
SUPaahh17: hah
SUPaahh17: that was gr888
jes is 138: <3
SUPaahh17: <3
SUPaahh17: She's the devil reborn, I swear.
AlienOtaku: lol
AlienOtaku: her sister was cool
SUPaahh17: until April had her secretly murdered.
SUPaahh17: and covered the whole thing up.
AlienOtaku: lol wouldn't doubt it
AlienOtaku: they'd fuse like namekians
AlienOtaku: make some kinda super april
AlienOtaku: and beat the fuck out of freeza
SUPaahh17: wtff
SUPaahh17: dbz ftw
SUPaahh17: then the planet complodes
AlienOtaku: werd
SUPaahh17: the planet's comploding
SUPaahh17: pretty much the best thing about futurama ever.
AlienOtaku: stop sending me those
SUPaahh17: never.