um.... your mom?

Sep 04, 2005 15:07

Several months ago during Winter Break, Matt Hooper and I played a session of D&D with some of his friends. I hadn't seen any of those people until recently, when I realized that one of 'em, named John, is a classmate of mine in my Sci Fi Lit class (which, by the way, rules). So I said "hi" to him, and we expressed a mutual interest in D&D. No sooner had we uttered the words "D&D" outside the classroom as people were leaving, than 5 people were like, "D&D? I wanna play, I've been looking for a campaign for so long!" Sweet, we're all TOTALLY nerds.

So I volunteered to DM, and it looks like I'm going to. This gives me the opportunity to run the second campaign using the campaign setting I've been writing.

Speaking of the campaign setting, I have 15 pages of material so far. I really like a lot of the feats, spells, and powers that I'm including. The page count will go a LOT higher once I add deities, countries, races, and some more monsters (and doubtlessly more feats, spells, powers, equipment, and prestige classes!!!). I really HAVE had the developper fever lately, and I don't ever want it to end! As I've said before, I could really make this into an electronic supplement book, and I definately plan on it.

Tyler needs to get his ass in gear and coordinate more sessions for SWRPG, I don't feel like doing it because, um, HE'S THE GM.

My Creative Writing class is also awesome, and my big story of the quarter will probably be taking place in my campaign setting... w00t.

I want to upload what I have so far of my campaign setting, but if I do that, then I will come out with 15 pages of new material the next day. Sigh. I'll just wait 'till I've reached a certain page count (20?) before I do so.

And also, WTF liz, are you ok? Would I be far off in thinking that it was your car shown on your LJ? If it is, I'm sorreh. Drop me a line or somethin'!

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I'm breaking up with Joelle.
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