Aug 11, 2005 00:18
The Good: There's a new girl at work, named Joelle (aka J.J.). I'm hanging out with her on Saturday for some DDR (and maybe some Gunsmith Cats), and I intend to ask her out if I find that she doesn't have a boyfriend. Also, Gmail rawks, and now that I don't have a BVU email address, you can reach me at I check this regularly. This is also the email I now use for my MSN. I won't ever sign in as my other screen name.
The Bad: I've realized that I will never, ever, have "enough money".
The Ugly: About an hour ago, I was driving home and slid into the curb. Didn't notice any body damage but there's definately, definately something wrong with a wheel or the transmission or something under the hood or something else. Somehow, I already know I'm going to be paying out the ass for this for a couple months. Fuck. Me.