Annual Funds Drive

Dec 16, 2005 16:44

In support of my evil Master Plan, I'm doing a funds drive. Similar to last year, except I am actually selling things, not eating them and paying for them later.

For sale to the general public:

1) one iMac second series, 333 Mhz G3 Processor, CD-ROM, 20G Hard Drive, Mac OS X 10.3, Keyboard, Logitech Mouse
2) one Sony 2nd Gen DSS Reciever (no card, functional)
3) one Phillips 4th Gen DSS Reciever (no card, functional, excellent condition)
4) one Cooler, small, organ carrying. Liver not included.
5) one Cobra DC => AC Power Inverter, 1500 Watt Sustained, 3000 Watt Burst, Automotive/Truck

Prices all negotiated at point of sale. Point of Contact is Si, at 720.244.6082.

Time is running out.

We also have other items if you dare inquire.

desperation, broadcast

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