New community everyone!

Nov 23, 2008 03:42

This is a brand new community dedicated to the lovely slash pairing:

Raúl Gonzalez & Jose Maria Gutierrez

raul_guti_love  raul_guti_love raul_guti_love

Because there is so many great fics and posts about these two, I'm gonna allow of re-posting of fics etc. to this new community to get things started. If you have any questions please, feel free to email or pm me.

Membership is open to anyone at the moment and I sincerely hope we can keep that way, without any problems. *fingers crossed*

Rules are the usual:
  • Play nice, be respectful, and if there's any trouble report it to your friendly mod.
  • LJ cuts on fics, pics and other big things, you know the drill people.
  • Punctuation and grammar are your friends, plus all netspeak is banned.

more can be found on the comm's info page.

(would love to affiliate)
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