I'm not sure how, but I got stuck hanging onto the underside of a plane because nobody noticed I was playing back there and I didn’t notice the plane was taking off until it was too late. Luckily, the plane engineer people had installed a laddery thing across the span of the wings on the plane. It wasn’t so much a ladder as loops attached to the
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Let's start with the plane. There are many entries underneath "airplane," like "plane journey," "private plane," etc. Unfortunately there is not one for getting "stuck hanging onto the underside of a plane because nobody noticed I was playing back there and I didn’t notice the plane was taking off until it was too late," so we will go with the general definition:
Represents quick or dramatic life changes; taking a risk; vulnerable ideals, hopes and plans; anxiety or fear; power to change, to transform one's situation, or to change or influence others; the desire to change one's lifestyle; getting away from the present situation or style of life. To climb aboard a plane is to embark upon dramatic movement from one way of life, or one situation in life, to another...Meanwhile, on the plane, you will not have your feet on the ground, you will not be secure. The plans, the love, the hopes and efforts might work out or crash and lead to tragedy with all its rippling effects moving into the web of relationships and events connected with the flight of the plane.
Your feelings - whether anxious or secure - about reaching situations or opportunities in life that are new, presently out of reach, or not easily attained; attainment through effort and daring; the heightening of insecurity, anxiety, or feelings in life or sex - getting up, getting it up.
What we value; being valued by others; one's potential, energy, or personal resources; power to change things or do things; or having power, even over someone else; personal potency, therefore links with sexuality and self-giving...
Stress of some sort causing "burnout," either physically or emotionally.
SO - after all that I think it's reasonable to conclude that you are having extreme sexual difficulties in your life. You are having problems getting it up, as we see from the ladder. You want money so you can fix this problem, perhaps by purchasing Viagra. And this has you so stressed out that you have set your car on fire, because you tried to get away on the airplane, but it brought you back to the airport.
Miss Bora, I feel like you are slipping away (deflating?) with each moment. I feel compelled to help. What can I do?
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