Fic: Undress please (LotS/Lost Girl crossover - Denna/Lauren)

Jan 21, 2012 12:13

Title: Undress please
Fandoms: Legend of the Seeker/Lost Girl
Pairings: Denna/Lauren
Rating: NC-17
Written for lots_pornbattle Round 2
Prompts: Dr!Lauren/Fae!Denna: sex on lauren's office table, undress please, "What exactly are your powers?"

Two huge wolf shifters were standing outside of her lab. Their shoulders were as broad her as examination table - or at least so it seemed to her.
One of them had a broken arm while half the face of the other was swollen to twice its normal size.
Lauren gulped, wondering what would be waiting behind these doors. She really wasn’t too eager to examine some kind of mutant ogre of enormous proportions. But what The Ash wanted to be done, had to be done.
Taking a deep breath she walked past the wolf shifters and into her lab. Squaring her shoulders and wrapping her fingers around the syringe in her lab coat pocket she rounded a corner and stopped dead in her tracks.
“Nope. No ogre” she murmured, regarding one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen.
Long platinum blonde hair cascaded down a leather-clad back, as intense blue eyes stared back at her. Luscious red lips were curled into a small smile.
Lauren cleared her throat and walked closer to the woman now sitting on her desk.
“I’m Doctor Lewis and I’m here to examine you” she began. The platinum blonde raised a delicate eyebrow.
“Is that so?” she purred.
“Yes” Lauren cleared her throat again and began scribbling something onto a paper.
“Your name please?” she asked politely, but the other woman simply cocked her head to the side.
“Yours first.”
“I already… I’m Lauren.”
The platinum blonde smirked.
Lauren took her papers and walked over to the examination table to write there because her desk was currently occupied. And, even though she would not admit it, the blonde made her feel nervous and uneasy. In a very sexual way that is.
“What kind of Fae are you?”
Denna half-shrugged. “I never really liked the term ‘Fae’. It sounds so weak. It’s not like I have wings and leave shiny dust in my wake.”
Lauren’s pen came to a halt as she looked up. This was not going to be easy. For a moment she took the time to appreciate the stubborn woman’s perfectly shaped body.
“Then what exactly are your powers?” she asked a little irritated by her own rather naughty thoughts.
“You know, I never do anything if don’t get something in return. The same goes for answering questions.”
Putting her pen down Lauren crossed her arms before her chest.
“If you do not comply I will inform The Ash” she threatened, even though the words sounded pathetic to her own ears.
Denna laughed quietly, shaking her head.
“The Ash has even less chances to persuade me to do his bidding than you.”
“Alright listen…” Lauren began stepping forward, but suddenly she found herself halfway on top of her own damn office table. How Denna had managed to move them both that quickly was out of her human grasp.
She gasped when her back hit the rough surface of the desk and she stared up into ice cold blue eyes.
“No, you listen” Denna hissed, her face dangerously close to Lauren’s. “I don’t know why The Ash had me dragged here by those stray dogs, and I’m really trying to make the best of this situation. So if you would be so nice and stop bringing up The Ash I would be most delighted.” With one last glance at the startled doctor, Denna retreated and began pacing around the lab.
Lauren sat up and rearranged the lab coat around her body. The platinum blonde’s sudden proximity had stirred some feelings in her, she had not thought of ever having again.
“So” Denna said, turning to Lauren. “What’s next on your list?”
“Excuse me?”
The Fae gestured towards the papers that were now scattered on the examination table.
“Oh” the doctor murmured, trying to get her thoughts back in order. “The… the physical examination would be next.”
Denna’s eyes suddenly lit up, a smile curving her lips. “Ask me” she husked, stepping closer to Lauren.
“Ask” Denna repeated, coming even closer.
Lauren’s breathing sped up. She swallowed past the lump in her throat, suddenly feeling like the prey of a very dangerous and sensual predator.
“Would you undress please?” she whispered, not sure whether she wanted to say those words or shove them back down.
Denna bit her bottom lip, intently regarding the doctor.
“I think I might be able to do something for you after all doctor.” Slowly, very slowly, Denna began taking off the leather jacket of her intricate outfit. Revealing smooth pale skin and muscles, she kept on disrobing until she was only clad in a white lace bra and panties.
Lauren was drooling right then and there, but she could not stop herself from staring.
“Like what you see?” Denna purred.
‘You’re a professional, you’re a professional…’ Lauren kept chanting in her head as she closed the distance between them.
Not sure what exactly she was doing she reached out and lightly traced her fingertips across Denna’s defined stomach.
The platinum blonde swiftly wrapped an arm around Lauren’s waist and with the other swiped the papers off the examination table.
“I’ve always wanted to do that” Denna said grinning, sending a spark of emotion and lust through Lauren’s body.
The doctor did not know what to do with her hands, so she put them on Denna’s hips to steady herself.
She could feel Denna’s breath on her lips, and it made her quite dizzy. Someone could walk in on them at any moment, but the platinum blonde’s body was so close and it felt so good that her reluctance slowly slipped away.
Suddenly her lips were claimed in a searing kiss.
Lauren’s pent up passion overrode her common sense as she parted her lips to invite Denna’s tongue into her mouth. She laced her fingers through long platinum blonde hair as Denna grasped her hips with both hands and lifted her onto the examination table.
She pulled the blond Fae closer until she was standing between Lauren’s spread legs.
The doctor groaned as Denna grabbed her thighs and pulled her forward so that her center was pressing against the platinum blonde’s bare stomach.
The lab coat was lowered down her shoulders and pooled at her hips, as Denna simply ripped open her blouse - buttons flying everywhere.
Lauren gasped. “I need these…” she murmured as Denna ended their kiss.
“Oh yeah?” Without hesitation the Fae tore up Lauren’s black pants, letting them slide down her legs, so that she was now half-naked as well.
The doctor’s breathing had become ragged, her heart beating fast and wetness pooling between her legs.
“You’re not a succubus, are you?” she panted. Denna shook her head laughing. “No. I don’t need Fae powers to seduce.”
Without noticing it Lauren had began to rock her throbbing clit gently against Denna’s defined stomach.
The platinum blonde grinned and lowered her lips to the doctor’s throat, nibbling and kissing there until Lauren was moaning loudly.
When Denna’s hand slipped down her thigh and beneath her panties to run her fingertips through dripping folds, Lauren raked her fingernails down the platinum blonde’s back. Denna hissed at the pain, but continued her ministrations. She altered between teasing Lauren’s entrance and clit and soon had the normally composed doctor writhing and pleading under her touch.
Meanwhile her mouth had travelled down Lauren’s chest and her lips were now sucking an erect nipple through the material of the bra. The doctor moaned and tried to thrust her hips forward to finally have Denna inside of her.
The blonde Fae smiled and pushed two fingers inside warm waiting wetness. Lauren’s back was a perfect arch as she threw her head back. She was already close, her last time being too far in the past.
Denna seemed to sense that and with a few thrusts and firm strokes against her clit she felt Lauren’s inner walls clench around her fingers as she screamed out her release.
Her entire body trembled as leaned back to rest her upper body on her elbows while her legs still dangled over the side of the examination table.
Denna slid her fingers free and lifted them to her lips, lightly sucking the clear essence from them.
Lauren was about to reach for the other woman to draw her into another heart-stopping kiss, when suddenly the doors to her lab opened. “Doctor Lewis?” a voice called.
Lauren awkwardly scrambled off the examination table, half falling to the ground in the process. Footsteps were heard and Lauren crouched down to hide behind the examination table.
“What’s going on?” the man asked who had just walked into the lab. It was the wolf shifter and police detective Dyson.
Denna was still standing in the lab, only in bra and panties. She smiled. “I’m about to be examined.”
The detective cleared his throat, trying to look anywhere but at the half-naked woman. “Alright. If Doctor Lewis gets back, tell her… I need her.”
And with that he turned on his heels and walked out of the lab.

“He’s gone” Denna said, watching Lauren peeking around the examination table.
“That was close” the doctor breathed, coming out from behind her hiding place.

“Indeed it was. Shall we continue?” Denna asked, jumping up to sit on the examination table.
Lauren couldn’t help but grin. It was going to be a long day.

The End

legend of the seeker, rating: nc-17, porn, pairings: denna/lauren, lots_pornbattle, lost girl, user: raug_moss, fanfiction

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