Fic: A Little Evil Comes A Long Way (Kahlan/Cara) 26/33

Jun 10, 2013 19:08

Title: A Little Evil Comes A Long Way
Author: raug_moss
Pairings: Kahlan/Cara
Rating: NC-17
A/N: modern AU

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25

Chapter 26

The entire apartment smells delicious. Everything is prepared and by the way Spike’s tongue hangs sideways out of his mouth Cara can tell that the lasagna is ready too. She isn’t that great of a cook but sometimes she enjoys trying out new recipes for herself, usually as a treat after an especially exhausting week of work.
The detective quickly changes into something that is a little more presentable, a jeans and button-down, while she keeps on checking on her blueberry-cream cake that is still in the oven.

The doorbell rings and Spike bounds to the door with a happy yelp as if knowing who would be on the other side. Cara pushes him out of the way with her knee and he calmly settles a few feet away from the door to watch it with utmost concentration.
Cara takes a last look into the mirror in her hallway and straightens her dark button-down shirt before she opens the door.
Kahlan smiles brightly as she presents a bottle of wine to Cara.
The detective stares for a moment at Kahlan. That simply jeans - shirt - jacket combination suits her perfectly and with her hair tied back into a tight ponytail she could’ve jumped straight out of a magazine.
“Hey. Come in,” Cara eventually says after realizing that it would probably be way too awkward if she keeps staring like that for the rest of the evening. She takes the wine bottle before stepping aside.
As soon as the door is closed behind Kahlan, Spike throws himself against her legs, whimpering for attention. He looks absolutely like a needy cat that wants nothing more than a good scratching. Kahlan grins and fulfills his wish immediately.
Thanks to the dog the mood is relaxed from the first moment on and Cara reminds herself to give Spike an extra treat afterward.

“It smells so unbelievably good in here. Whatever you’re making, I know I’m going to eat an inappropriate amount of it, so consider yourself warned,” Kahlan says and grins up at Cara. Both her hands are buried in Spike’s fur as she kneels in the hall to greet the dog properly.
Cara chuckles.
“There’s enough for three of you, so no worries. But you shouldn’t spoil Spike too much because I’ll get the evil eye from him for two weeks when I don’t pet him on command the next day.”
Kahlan laughs quietly and Cara finds that it is a mesmerizing sound. She smiles in return and waits until the brunette has discarded her jacket before leading her into the kitchen.
“Thanks for the wine. You shouldn’t have though.”
“It’s the least I could do. You know, after everything.”
Cara looks thoughtfully at the wine bottle and then turns to Kahlan.
“Yeah, after everything.”

She walks over to the oven and peers inside.
“Ah looks good. Can you do me a favor and get the wine glasses from the top shelf while I set the table?”
Of course the detective keeps a close eye on the brunette as she walks over to the indicated shelf and reaches for the glasses. Kahlan doesn’t flinch and she doesn’t show any signs of pain when she reaches up to get them, so Cara turns back to the lasagna, satisfied that seemingly no permanent damage has been done during their last case.
The detective is about to put the finishing touches on their meal when Kahlan’s voice is suddenly right behind her.
“I told you I’m okay.”
Cara shivers and turns her head to the side. She hadn’t realized how close Kahlan stands to her and is surprised by the hot breath on her cheek. She has never been one to use overtly much perfume, because she never found it to be very pleasing, but the light scent of jasmine and roses that seems to be coming from Kahlan makes her insides all fluttery.
She actually has to steady herself with her hands on the counter to not lean back into the soft body behind her.
But then Kahlan steps back and turns to place the glasses on the table.
“The food really looks so good. I hope everything is ready because if not I might faint from hunger.”
Kahlan grins and lifts a hand to her forehead for dramatic effect. Spike whimpers quietly and sits down next to her.
All tension suddenly leaves Cara’s body again and she takes a deep breath before chuckling.
“It’s ready. Let’s eat.”

Although she is glad that her cooking is well received Cara can’t help but wonder where Kahlan puts all that food, because her stomach should’ve been full quite a while ago. They don’t talk much because conversation is virtually impossible with a full mouth when one does want to preserve any kind of table manners.
The blueberry-cream cake elicits particularly pleasing sounds from Kahlan and Cara can’t help but grin as she sips from her wine. Despite everything that happened and everything they hadn’t talked about yet, the detective is truly happy to be in the brunette’s company. There is something between them, and without wanting to sound too cheesy, Cara would almost call it a connection.
Aside from the physical pull, it is like they get along and understand one another without actually having to say the words out loud. And Cara has never been one to believe in soulmates and all that sentimental crap - like she’d called it in front of Richard. But her partner, of course, insisted that there could be something between two people that was simply unique and inexplicable. And now, the more time Cara spent with Kahlan, the more she came to think that he might’ve been right in some way.

“I can’t even tell you how great this was.”
Kahlan lazily leans back and sneaks a little from her lasagna to Spike who has conveniently rested his head near her lap. Cara can hear him chewing from the other side of the table and shakes her head with a grin.
“What did I say about spoiling?”
“I know, but I can’t help it.”
Kahlan shrugs with a smile on her lips.
“And thank you, I’m glad you like it.”
“Liked? I absolutely loved it. But I hope your boyfriend isn’t taking advantage of your cooking skills too often because that must’ve cost you all afternoon.”
Cara furrows her brows as she regards Kahlan whose smile has become somewhat strained.

“I was well prepared…everything goes faster when it’s well prepared,” the detective answers slowly.
She thinks about the boyfriend remark, but somehow can’t bring herself to say that she and Leo are not an item. It would sound too much like an invitation or something like that.
But then again isn’t that what she wants? Invite Kahlan into her life, get to know her? But the question is, how can she get to know someone who has so many secrets and is obviously forced to lie?
Her life isn’t easy, Cara has many things to take care of, so she really doesn’t need to add someone else’s problems to the list, right? But there is also this urge inside her to protect Kahlan, to shield her from all the evil in the world, well knowing that she would be protected in return.

“You okay?” Kahlan asks quietly and Cara blinks.
“You looked a little lost there.”
“I was just thinking. No worries, I’m still with you.”
Kahlan smiles, takes her glass of wine and gets up to walk over to the couch in the living room. Cara silently follows her and sits down on the other end.
Although they’ve been in this position before, Cara knows that Kahlan won’t give her any more answers than she did the last time she was here.
The detective takes a quiet breath while Kahlan sips on her wine.
“I think it’s time we put some cards on the table.”
Blue eyes look at her and Cara moves her head from one side to the other.
“Some. Not all of them,” she adds.
Kahlan thoughtfully puts her glass down on the small table and turns to Cara.
“I know that I owe you so many explanations, probably more than that. But…”
“…you can’t,” Cara finishes the sentence.
The brunette looks down at her hands.
“I’m sorry. But I’m in a precarious situation…people’s lives could be in danger, and as cliche as that may sound, everything I say can make things a lot worse for everybody. Including you.”
Kahlan exhales audibly and raises her eyes to look straight at Cara.
“And the last thing I want, is you being in the line of fire.”
Green eyes lock with blue ones.
“It wouldn’t be the first time.”
“I won’t allow it.”
“You can’t always handle everything by yourself.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time,” Kahlan repeats Cara’s words and both women smile for a moment.
“Just know that I want to help you and should you ever decide that you need me, I’m there, alright?”

Cara tenses slightly when she realizes what exactly she has just said. She barely knows this woman, knows however that she has secrets darker than the night, and yet all she wants to do is take every single worldly burden from Kahlan’s shoulders.
She is already risking her job, and also shooting down the only guy who has wanted to date her in a long time, and for what?
For Kahlan, her inner voice supplies. Kahlan, who she knows doesn’t have a girlfriend, and who sits in her living room with that vulnerable look on her face.

“I’m truly grateful Cara.”
Sincerity shines in those blue eyes and when Kahlan scoots closer, the detective holds her breath for a moment.
The brunette takes Cara’s hand in hers and carefully cradles it in her lap.
There is an uncertainty in the other woman’s touch and Cara accepts the gesture for what it is - an attempt to show how much those words, the offer to be there for her, really mean to Kahlan.
They move closer to one another, leaning forward as if drawn by magnets until suddenly something warm and wet brushes over their joined hands.
Kahlan jerks away and laughs quietly when Spike pokes his cold nose against the back of her hand.
The dog looks up at them and cocks his head to the side, feeling like he has waited long enough for them to finish dinner and have some alone time. Now he is more than ready to get some of that lasagna since the two humans are obviously done with it.
Cara smiles down at her dog and reaches out to pet his head.
“Good boy,” she murmurs and leans back.
Kahlan grins and silently watches Cara interact with her dog.

Chapter 27

alternate universe, cara/kahlan, fanfiction, user: raug_moss, legend of the seeker

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