Fic: A Little Evil Comes A Long Way (Kahlan/Cara) 20/33

Mar 28, 2013 13:23

Title: A Little Evil Comes A Long Way
Author: raug_moss
Pairings: Kahlan/Cara
Rating: NC-17
A/N: modern AU

A/N2: okay so, I got distracted D: I know. but that happens to writers from time to time, right? and that means other fiction will sooner or later be posted! but I'm definitely sticking with this story, no matter what!

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19

Chapter 20

“Of course she has a boyfriend.”
Kahlan laughs mirthlessly and unlocks the door to Dahlia’s apartment.
“Really? What was I thinking?”

When Kahlan steps inside she’s greeted by the oddest sight. Dahlia is sitting next to Rahl on their small couch, both looking at the grisly picture of the tiny television across from them. Dahlia jumps up as soon as she hears Kahlan enter.
With a mighty leap across the back of the couch she embraces the brunette in a tight hug, causing Kahlan to drop the bag she was still holding in her hand.
“Oh my god I thought you were dead!”
“Uhh… no. I’m fine. But what is he doing here?” Kahlan asks, staring at Rahl. Dahlia sniffs quietly and releases Kahlan.
“He came by and told me that something has gone horribly wrong and then he wanted to wait here in case you came back, that is if you were still alive.”
“Such trust in me.”
Kahlan sneers at Rahl while he gets up from the couch and straightens his suit jacket.
“Well, you should be thanking me. I took care of the mess you left behind there.”
Pushing Dahlia aside Kahlan takes a few steps toward him.
“I had nothing to do with any of it! We were ambushed and by a hairsbreadth I would’ve been killed right then and there too!”
“And now you’ll tell me what it wasn’t you who told our enemies that we were there?”
Rahl leans forward until their noses are almost touching.
“I didn’t tell anybody!”
“And how did the police manage show up so shortly after the incident?”
“How the hell am I supposed to know?! You told me to fucking deliver a car and that is all I did!”
Kahlan’s blue eyes are blazing now and her entire body is pulled taut like a bowstring.
Suddenly Rahl steps back.
“That’s what I thought. Well, I’ll be on my way then. I’m going to give you a call when we are ready to retrieve what has been stolen from you.”
“Why would you call me?”
Kahlan tries to calm the rapid beating of her heart and takes a quiet breath.
“Because you messed up you’re going to have to help me straighten this out. Mr Dewitt is not pleased.”
“And how is any of that my fault?!”
Despite her efforts to calm down, Kahlan can’t help but raise her voice in anger.
“It doesn’t matter whose fault it is, it needs to be fixed, end of story.”
Rahl rakes a hand trough his almost shoulder-length hair, which is for the first time since Kahlan knows him, not slicked back with gel.
“If you’ll excuse me now ladies, I have important matters to attend to.”
Without sacrificing another moment of his time to arguing with Kahlan, Rahl saunters out of the apartment slamming the door behind him.

As soon as Kahlan turns around Dahlia has wrapped her into yet another hug. “I was really worried.” She mumbles.
Kahlan smiles a little and wraps her arms around her cousin. “I know and I’m sorry. Had I known that something like this would happen, I would’ve never left the apartment in the first place.”
They both stand there for several more moments, Dahlia glad that she has her cousin back alive and Kahlan happy that she still is alive.
“Rahl is right though.” Kahlan then announces.
“I have to fix this. I need to find out what was in that car, since people are willing to kill for it.”
“Kahlan, this is not your fight. I’m still sorry I got you involved in all of this, but I had no idea that it would go this far. Whatever ‘it’ is.”
Dahlia steps back and starts pacing.
“I know that we’re in trouble and in danger. If we pack our things now, we could be out of town tomorrow…”
Kahlan slowly shakes her head.
“No Dahl. I have been running for so long now, and I refuse to give up just yet. I’ve been through worse and I think I can work it out…”
“Have you?” Dahlia asks.
She stops pacing and watches Kahlan with unguarded eyes.
“Have I what?”
“Been through worse? Worse than almost getting killed?”
Kahlan smiles tightly.
“That is a conversation I most definitely do not want to have today.”
“Fine, but like you said, we’re in this together okay?”
Dahlia smiles at Kahlan and the brunette nods.
“I know. But what I need right now is some sleep. This has been one hell of a long day.”
“I can only imagine. But cousin, what in all the world are you wearing? That’s not what you left in this morning.”
Kahlan looks down at herself and studies the clothes Cara has given to her. She imagines that there’s a particular scent clinging to them that reminds her of the blonde detective. Wrapping her arms around her torso she sighs quietly.
“Long story Dahl, we’ll talk in the morning.”

In the next two days Kahlan doesn’t hear a thing from either Rahl or Dewitt. That it makes her nervous is an understatement and she finds herself looking over her shoulder more often than not when she walks down the street.
In addition it so happens that both Denna and Cara call her on the same day. The platinum blonde to remind her of the gallery opening that she is invited to, and the detective to remind her of the hearing in court she has promised to attend.
And as luck would have it both are on the same day as well.
It is a welcome distraction but Kahlan realizes that unfortunately she has nothing to wear, to either a court hearing or a gallery opening. But there is someone who should definitely be able to help her out.
Swiftly leaving the apartment and taking a cab, she soon finds herself in front of a grayish looking building with two large windows on either side of the main entrance. There’s a little sign above it, saying ‘T&T Fashion’.
A little bell jingles above the door when Kahlan enters, and she is immediately greeted by a man who is as pale as the moonlight. He is skinny, has very fair hair and blue eyes so light that they almost look translucent.
“How can I help you?” He asks with a smile.
“I’m actually looking for Tess.”
Kahlan looks around the small store and finds herself amidst uniquely designed shirts, pants and the most beautiful dresses. Her neighbor Tess hadn’t lied when he’d said that his store is a real gem among all the fake ones. Kahlan is sure that some rich business man will soon discover them and give them a hell lot of money to purchase their designs.
Without having to call for him, the dark-skinned man appears from the back of the store. He is all smiles when he spots Kahlan.
“You’ve finally made it here! How wonderful. Meet my partner Tony.”
The other man nods and walks over to Kahlan to clasp her hand in his.
“Pleasure to meet you. Tess has not exaggerated when he said that his new neighbor is a real beauty.”
Kahlan smiles bashfully and lowers her gaze. Nothing better than a compliment from a gay man.
“So what do you need hon? I’m sure we have something here.”
Kahlan explains to them that she needs clothes fit for a court hearing as well as a gallery opening that might or might not be a date. The two men are distraught for only a moment but Tess is a man of action and soon rushes through the entire store with grace.
“Alright, so it needs to say business but also have a bit of sexy.”
He nods to himself and pulls one dress after the other from the rows on each side of the room.

Several dresses and a glass of some sort of champagne later Kahlan settles for a blue-gray knee-length dress along with a jacket. Tess reassures her that she looks business with the jacket on, but can just as easily turn a lot of heads by taking it off.
The brunette has to admit that she likes this sophisticated version of herself. She thoughtfully regards her reflection in a huge mirror in the back of the shop.
“You look wonderful sweetie. This will work just fine!”
Tess grins broadly while Tony nods solemnly.
With a very friendly discount on the clothes Kahlan is actually able to afford them for once. She uses up most of her savings but promises silently that she will find a way to somehow make money. With the shopping bag in hand she returns to the apartment and decides to spend the remaining afternoon doing nothing at all. There is only so much time a person can sacrifice for worrying and thinking and she has done her share for the day.
Dahlia has another date with yet another woman and isn’t going to return until very late in the evening. Which means that Kahlan has the entire apartment to herself.
She sits down on the little couch and rests her head in her hands. She has gotten into so much trouble ever since arriving and she has no idea what is going to happen next.
Rahl and Dewitt are definitely going to cause problems one way or another. Dahlia needs to be protected from them and Kahlan has to make sure they both get out of this mess alive.
Then there’s Cara. The blonde knows that something is off, but hasn’t made a move yet. Kahlan somehow fears the moment when she has to face Cara again. At some point in time she is going to have to explain everything but as of this moment she has no idea how to go about it. She should consider herself lucky enough that Cara hasn’t decided to lock her up yet, for whatever reason.
With a sigh Kahlan closes her eyes. Too many pieces on the chessboard to keep track of everything, she

Chapter 21

alternate universe, cara/kahlan, fanfiction, user: raug_moss, legend of the seeker

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