Apr 12, 2004 00:25

allright well its sunday and im sitting here in my room listening to CIVIL DISOBEDIANCE over the sounds of my parents singing on the kareoke thing drunk as fuck....i think to myself WHAT THE FUCK DO painted eggs, choclates, egg hunts, bunnie rabbits and little children running around screaming have to do with fucken the rise of "CHRIST" im not religious or nothing but what the fuck? and its called "EASTER" it shold be called "BORESTER" cuz its such a boring day yeah oh well....

allright so friday was a FUCKING great day got to maxs pretty early and helped set shit up with taylor trevor kyle john matt sidney and shit then we sat at the front wondering where the fuck phil was cuz we needed to get the beeeeer then people started showing up and shit and we were like fuck so we just let eveyrone who came after waiting a while longer for phil the the rarities started setting their shit up i was like oh fuck tight so then peoipel started showing up and i started working at the door charging everyone felt bad tho cuz i dun like charging its fucked up but oh well i did then after charging for a while i went in to hang out and talk to all the homies saw buncha peoples some i wanted to other i didnt but hey it was all good saw all the bands play from ruinz to the prostitutes who just decided to play but it was all good and then we went on after anal preist who gave a fucking great set oh man then we went on and i was toked so i was like oh shit and they called me on the mics and shit cuz we were supposed to go on and shit but i was "nowehre to be found" so then they found me and we went on other than the out of tune guitar and the short set i think we did really good everyone moshed to our shit whihc was tight so yeah i had fun playing then the rest of the night just hung out and shit then there was the big fight between larry and the fool with the bullet belt then it becaeme larry and carbombers manager thingie then it turned into larry and manolos cousin then the party wa over...haha

after everyone left we hotr boxed the bathroom and hung out then at 2 in the mourning went to carls junior and walked in the drive through but got busted so we went in the car which was pretty funny then we got back hot bxed and went to bed around 4 i think watchign "no mans land" haha then we wake up and helped clean up the mess but it wasnt that bad so yeah then riley came over he got some nos and woahhhhhhhhh then we went to take jason home andwe just drove around then max and matt and trevor and john and me haha we all went to hastings to drop john off and i just went back to maxs and well trevor left also and we just t0ked then matt took me home and they went to some other part i just came home and slept good weekend i guess till it turned sunday then it all died hahah allright im out peace

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