Apr 23, 2007 00:40
Good Morning everyone, since where I am it is morning, but only just. I don’t know exactly why I’m writing this. I guess it is partly out of boredom, and more so out of wishing to delay other things… like… studying… yeah, studying. Anyways, for those of you that don’t go to Tech, finals are fast approaching for me. I’m not totally sure why I’m mentioning that. There’s very little that y’all can do, and it doesn’t have any great impact on any of you. Well, unless I get stressed and bite heads off when people speak to me. Of course, since this is the first time since Fall ’05 that I’m not running a forum game during the week leading up to the game, so I shouldn’t be that stressed.
Anyways, the Mets got sodomize by their own bats this weekend. It was fun to watch. It was a tough weekend for New York baseball teams. Sorry Darryl, I would offer you a cookie to make it up, but you plated way to much rap and country this weekend for me to give a crap.
Some people change a lot throughout their life. I’m not one of them. I like to think of myself as a constant person. I don’t get over emotional, or really that emotional at all. I take pride in that fact (or opinion, since I am undoubtedly a bit biased). I think I need to be a little more varied.