Well well, look I'm ranting again!

Jan 14, 2007 20:41

Hello all,

I know this isn't what most people want to hear, but I have to agree with most of this. especially after going into Walmart last night at about 4am to do a little shopping on my night off. I am wondering the isles looking for something, and not only are the people stocking the shelves speaking Spanish, but so are most of the people shopping there... I just wanted to scream speak English damn it! If it has spread all the way to Ohio now, what is it like farther south, are we just giving up and rolling over? Are we just going to let people from other countries walk over us because it is the PC thing to do? I sure the hell hope not, go ahead and flame me for being an insensitive git, I don't care, do you hear me speaking in Welsh or Gaelic? I don't even speak Cherokee and damn it we were here before any one invaded this country and changed everything to English..... OK, my rant is over for now, I might get wound up more later....


I have no idea who wrote this tirade, but I must say I concur with just about all of it.  Personally, I'm sick to death of our politicians, in both parties, who seem to care more about what a large block of possible future voters think, than what the entire population of current voters think.


Here's a little tip for those protesting in our streets about the proposed
legislation dealing with illegal immigration. Go ahead and protest: it's
allowed here, even though it may not be in your home countries. But you may
want to heed the following advice:

1. Stop waving those f*cking Mexican flags around. If you want to become
Americans, you should be waving our flag around. (If you want to burn our
flag, of course, that should be taken as a clear message that you're
unhappy here, and that we should ship your worthless incendiary asses back
to your point of origin.) If you don't want to become Americans, and just
want to live here, work here, draw benefits, get preferential
treatment/free medical care and then send your dollars back to your
flea-ridden poverty hells, then you'll pretty much have to live with
whatever legislation We The Voters come up with to deal with your illegal
asses. So hide the Mexflags. It's a small concession you'll have to make.
And speaking of concessions.

2. Stop all that bullshit about "Aztlan". You lost the war, and the land,
and you're not going to get it back, either. Saying that you are in your
"home country" when you're driving down Sunset Boulevard is just wishful
thinking, amigo. And if you think that talking about "reconquista" is going
to endear you to the people who will be deciding your fate (again, that
would be We The Voters), then think again.

3. Learn to speak English. Just so you know, our laws and Constitution are
written in English-it's also the international language of business and
computing, so it's not exactly a handicap to learn it-and if you intend to
be American, we're not going to change just to suit you. If you want to
work in a country where everyone speaks Spanish to you, feel free to
explore your employment opportunities in Venezuela, Spain or Cuba. But it's
not going to happen here. Oh, and if you're worried that by speaking
English, you're going to lose your culture, then please understand this: we
don't give a rat's ass about your culture. It's there, and we're here. Pick
one, because pretty soon you won't have a chance to enjoy both. (We didn't
offer signage in Gaelic or Yiddish in the 19th century to the immigrants of
that era; why should we offer it to you now?)

And lest anyone think I'm being "insensitive", allow me to quote a few

[A] Gallup Poll (March 27) finds 80 percent of the public wants the federal
government to get tougher on illegal immigration. A Quinnipiac University
Poll (March 3) finds 62 percent oppose making it easier for illegals to
become citizens (72 percent in that poll don't even want illegals to be
permitted to have driver's licenses). Time Magazine's recent poll (Jan.
24-26) found 75 percent favor "major penalties" on employers of illegals,
70 percent believe illegals increase the likelihood of terrorism and 57
percent would use military force at the Mexican-American border.

An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll (March 10-13) found 59 percent opposing a
guest-worker proposal, and 71 percent would more likely vote for a
congressional candidate who would tighten immigration controls.

An IQ Research poll (March 10) found 92 percent saying that securing the
U.S. border should be a top priority of the White House and Congress.

Seems like quite a few of us are "insensitive", doesn't it? There may be
tens of thousands of demonstrators in the streets, but there are millions
of voters waiting to pull the chain on all your crap.

And finally, here's a word of advice to the MexGov: stop this nonsense.

The Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior (Institute of Mexicans
Abroad) has no respect for the internal affairs of our country. The
institute was created by decree of Mexican President Vicente Fox and
reports to a shadowy clique within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Its
vast computer database is used to deploy illegal and legal Mexicans to
lobby state legislatures, city councils and county commissions to recognize
worthless matricula consular "identification" cards, support granting
driver's licenses to illegals, promote multilingualism at the expense of
English and help Mexicans and their children sponge off U.S. services
ranging from schools to medical care.
If our State Department weren't a bunch of pantywaist girlymen, we'd fix
these little reindeer games by suspending diplomatic ties with Mexico and
closing their embassies for a year. And let me tell you: if these
shenanigans were known to everyone in the United States, and we had a
plebiscite on the matter, your diplomatic asses would be on the next Aero
Mexicana flights out of here.

And I'm not quite done. From the same article:

Yet, according to a National Journal survey of Congress, 73 percent of
Republican and 77 percent of Democratic congressmen and senators say they
would support guest-worker legislation.
So, while I'm handing out advice, allow me to whisper a few quiet words of
advice to Congress:

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