GIANT Fic Dump

Mar 16, 2011 23:30

And I mean GIANT. 28 of 'em, all commentfics I think. And mostly crossovers. 'OTL

All under the cut.
Fandom: Bones
Characters: Hodgins, Zack
Spoilers: None
Rating: G
Prompt: Dialogue: Bones, author's choice, Rock-paper-scissors (or any variation of it)

"Okay, ready? Rock, paper, scissors."

"I thought it was ro sham bo."

"It's either one. What is that, rock?"


"Great, paper, I win."

"That doesn't make sense."

"I know it doesn't, that's how you play the game."

"How does paper defeat rock, smother it?"

"Just go with it, Zack. Let's try it again. Rock, paper, scissors."

"What is that?"




"That's not fair."

"No it isn't. Lizard eats paper, I win."

"This game is ridiculous."

"Fun, though. Rock, paper scissors."

"Gun beats all. I win."


Fandom: Castle/Firefly
Characters: Mal, Castle
Spoilers: None
Rating: G
Prompt: Firefly/Castle, Mal/Castle - No cows in space.

"What, you mean you just ship cows from planet to planet?" Castle leaned over the railing, watching the livestock mill around in the cargo hold.

"Sometimes." Mal still wasn't quite used to seeing another him moving around completely independently. And with a whole other identity. "We also take other cargo. Legal, illegal, we're not picky."

"Cows are legal, right?" Castle glanced at his counterpart.

"If you have a license, sure."

"Which you don't."

"What kind of man do you take me for?"

"An honest one." Castle grinned. "You know, I used to help the police out. We solved homicides."

"Whoa, hang on there, fancy words. Homicide is killings?"

"Close enough."

"So you were, what, working for the Alliance?" Mal looked affronted that someone so similar to him could be so different at the same time.

"No, no, nothing like that. There was no Alliance back then."


"So cows are illegal."

"And you were police."

"No cows in space," Castle ordered jokingly, and Mal grinned in return.


Fandom: Doctor Who/Castle
Characters: Beckett, Martha, Laney
Spoilers: None
Rating: G
Doctor Who/Castle, Martha Jones, Beckett, she hated when UNIT took over her cases

"I've never seen anything like it," Laney told her, passing over a pair of latex gloves. "I hope you haven't eaten much today; this one's a doozy."

"Excuse me, are you Detective Beckett?" a polite voice (British, Kate notes) says from behind. Kate turns around to see a pretty black woman with a security pass clipped to her vest.

"Yes, I am. I'm sorry, ma'am, but this is an active crime scene and I'm going to have to ask you to--"

"I'm Dr. Martha Jones, from UNIT. I'm afraid I have to ask you to step down."

UNIT, well that's all she needs. "This is my case, Dr. Jones, and I'm not leaving until I have what we need."

Jones eyes her aggressive posture for a moment before stepping away and pulling out her two-way radio. She returns a moment later. "I'm authorized to allow you access to the case, but you take your orders from UNIT. Is that clear?"

Kate knows enough about reading people, and about UNIT, to tell that this is the best offer she's going to get. "It's clear," she relents finally, and they shake on it.


Fandom: BBC Sherlock/Doctor Who
Characters: Sherlock, John, TARDIS
Spoilers: None
Rating: G
Prompt: Sherlock Holmes/Doctor Who, any, The case of the blue box

"Sherlock, what exactly are we doing here?"

"Oh, come now, John, this is no ordinary police box."

John looks at him and Sherlock says, "Well, obviously."


"It appears, it disappears, it reappears. It goes where it has no business going. It hops around London like someone's moving it but it's heavy-" he gives the side of the box a quick shove to prove his point "-and every time I see it someone is coming in or out, often more than one someone, and quite often not the same people each time."

"It seems like it would get awfully crowded if more than one person went inside."



Fandom: Torchwood(/Doctor Who)
Characters: Jack
Spoilers: New Who 1x10 "The Doctor Dances" 
Rating: PG
Prompt: Monsters: Torchwood(/Doctor Who), Jack, The empty child still haunts him sometimes

On those few nights when he pretends to sleep, just for the normalcy of it all, he lies in his cot and thinks about what he's seen, what he's done. Through it all, probably the thing that's stuck with him the most is the Empty Child. The flat voice, the 1940s-style gas masks, the way he sounded so pitiful, so helpless, so that even a conman wanted to hug him and pick him up and take him back to his mother. Jamie found Nancy eventually, but sometimes in the dark he can still hear a little boy crying for his mother on the draft breezing through the empty Hub.


Fandom: Castle/Firefly
Characters: Beckett, Simon, Mal
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG
Prompt: Crossovers: Firefly/Castle, Mal/Beckett, they meet on Serenity (and completely by accident)

Kate levels her gun, fumbles for the safety. Bam. She's on the floor, trying to figure out where the blood is coming from. It's all over her hands but she can't find it. Leg, yes, there, what is she supposed to do? She can't remember, she can't . . .


Kate jerks awake. She doesn't know where she is, not her bedroom, not an ambulance. Hospital? There's a man bent over her leg and there's a sort of tugging sensation there but it doesn't hurt. She feels disconnected from her body, like she's drifting . . .

The dark haired man straightens, wiping his needle clean with a sterile (she hopes) cloth. "That should do it," he says. "Does it hurt?"

"I . . . no." Kate squints at him. He doesn't look like a paramedic or a doctor, the clothes are wrong. This place isn't like any hospital or operating room she's ever seen. And her vision isn't quite right, either. "Where am I?"

"The Serenity," says a voice from behind her and she jumps, twists around in an effort to see the speaker.


He steps into her line of vision and it is Castle, but the way he looks at her is wrong. Like he doesn't know her. And what is with his pants?

"I'm Captain Malcolm Reynolds. Welcome aboard." He holds out a hand to shake. The hell?

"No," she insists, glaring at his hand like it's done her a personal insult. "You're Castle. Richard Castle."

"I think I know my own name." He sounds amused and a little bit condescending, like she's delusional from the drugs. Maybe she is. But this is Castle, she's known him for years. Hasn't she?

"Your name is Richard Edgar Castle, born Richard Alexander Rodgers in 1970. You live in New York City with your mother Martha and your daughter Alexis. You write mystery books for a living and intrude on my cases for research."

Not-Castle whistles. "What have you been putting her on, Doc? I may just have to try some of that myself."

Kate slumps back in frustration. Castle never does listen to her.


Fandom: Castle/Firefly
Characters: Mal/Beckett
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG
Prompt: Stranger in a Strange Land: Firefly/Castle, Mal/Beckett, Serenity

It's peaceful on board the Serenity. If there was ever a name that fit a ship, it's this one.

It's not always peaceful, of course. But there are days, long days, quiet days, days when they're traveling through the silence of space and it just is.

Kate sighs and leans her head on Mal's shoulder. She loves the Serenity, but she loved the precinct, too, when she was there. She never thought she'd go to space. She probably had a brief phase when she was younger where she wanted to be an astronaut but it was never rational. She was a detective. Homicide detectives don't go to space.

"They do now," she mumbles under her breath.


Kate chuckles. "Just talking to myself."


Fandom: Castle/Firefly
Characters: Mal/Beckett
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG
Prompt: Firefly/Castle, Mal/Beckett, is and isn't

Mal is like Castle in so many ways. He has the same wit, the same sarcasm. The same determination for justice, even if Mal's justice involves committing crimes and Castle's involves (involved?) catching murderers. Helping her catch murderers. Annoying her while she's trying to catch murderers. It's all the same. Mal, Castle, all the same. Same face, same voice.

And at the same time, they're so different. They're identical but even if they swapped clothes and were put into a room together she knows she'd be able to tell the difference. Mal has a swagger that Castle doesn't. Castle thinks he's in charge, but Mal is, and he knows it.

And it's not just the clothes, or the grammar, or the guns. They are, truly, different people.

She's in love with Richard Castle. A man who died almost five hundred years ago. And when she's with Mal and she slips and calls him Rick he doesn't seem to mind. Castle would mind. Mal doesn't.

With Castle, she was in charge - she had the gun, the badge, the training. He had a handful of books and an ego bigger than his . . . well.

Now, Mal has the experience and the guns. With Mal she's out of her depth and out of her time.

And sometimes, just sometimes, she doesn't even mind.


Fandom: Castle/Firefly
Characters: Mal/Beckett
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG
Prompt: Firefly/Castle, Mal/Beckett, not always black and white

Her relationship with him (them?) has never been all that straightforward. With Castle it was the sexual tension, teasing each other in front of the white board, the thrill of chasing murderers. They had a few heart-to-heart talks but nothing ever came of it. Castle is (was?) lighthearted, good-natured, justice-driven, but soft. Not as soft as some people (he'd seen things that had made even Kate's stomach turn) but soft all the same. Mal is darker, sharper, still driven by a need for justice but more of a warrior, a soldier, a remnant of a condemned war. Witty and sarcastic, still, but deeper. He's seen more, knows more. She's never been able to figure out which she prefers. It's not black and white; it's never been that simple. But it is what it is and Kate has never let a little uncertainty stand in her way.


Fandom: BBC Sherlock/Doctor Who
Characters: Sherlock, John, Rory
Spoilers: New Who 5x13 "The Big Bang"
Rating: PG
Prompt: Myth: BBC's Sherlock/Doctor Who, Sherlock and Rory, Sherlock investigates the legend of the Lone Centurion

"It's just a myth, Sherlock," John sighed, setting down a fresh cup of tea and picking up the untouched cold one. "A two thousand year old myth. Let it alone."

"Don't be an idiot, John," Sherlock replied, waving his hand over the documents spread out in front of him. "This is no myth. Repeated sightings, all over the world, for two millennia? The Pandorica is real; it's in the National Museum. The Lone Centurion always follows the Pandorica, hence, the Lone Centurion is in the National Museum."

"But Sherlock--"

"When you have eliminated the impossible, John, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. The game is on!" He claimed his coat and scarf from the chair he'd hung them over and rushed out the door.


Sherlock strode up the steps of the National Museum, his eyes scrutinizing the two guards placed outside the doors. He shook his head and bought a ticket before going inside.

He headed straight for the Pandorica exhibit, giving each guard he passed a quick once-over on the way, but none of them were anything more than a man in a uniform. Finally, he came across a thin man whose uniform didn't fit quite right and strode up to him with a definitive nod.

"You," he said triumphantly, and the guard looked at him in surprise.

"I'm sorry?"

"You're the Lone Centurion."

"I'm sorry, I don't--"

"Sherlock, what the hell are you doing?" John said breathlessly, appearing behind the tall man.

"Come on, John, mystery solved," and Sherlock was out the door again.

John took a moment to turn to the guard with a brief, "Sorry," before rushing after his friend once more.


Fandom: BBC Sherlock/Doctor Who
Characters: Sherlock, John, Ten, Rose
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG
Prompt: Character Substitution: Sherlock (BBC)/Doctor Who, Ten (&any), Sherlock (&/) John (Sherlock is another Time Lord, John is his companion), Ten finds out that not only is he not the only remaining Time Lord, he isn't even the only Time Lord in London.

"So, Sherlock, where are we this time?"

Sherlock picked up his TARDIS (currently in her preferred form as a human skull) and tucked her into the pocket of his overcoat. "London. Around March 2011, I'd say."

"You got that off the billboard behind me, didn't you?"

Sherlock only smiled and strode off into the crowd. John cast a quick glance behind him (there was no billboard) and followed.


"So this is 2011?" Rose squinted up at the skyscraper looming over them. "Doesn't look too different."

"It isn't. Chips?" The Doctor pointed at a food van across the road.


Smiling, she linked her arm through his and they started towards the curb when the Doctor's eyes suddenly met with those of a tall man in a black coat and he froze.


"Ah, see, there you go, John," the man was saying. "I'm not the only one after all."

"What, you mean that bloke? The one with the pinstripes and the blonde? He's-?"

"Another Time Lord, yes." Sherlock turned to the Doctor. "So you're the one."

"I'm the one, yes."

"Well that's one mystery solved. Come on, John, more to do." He turned on his heel and vanished into the crowd; John shrugged helplessly at the other two and followed (again).

Rose turned to the Doctor. All she could think of to say was, "What is it with you Time Lords and long coats?"


Fandom: Whoverse
Characters: Jack, Eleven
Spoilers: CoE
Rating: PG
Prompt: Movies: Doctor Who/Torchwood, author's choice, Everybody's Fine

Jack sat and fiddled with his hot-cup.

"Oh, sugar packets, I love sugar packets!"

Jack looked up in surprise as a young man with a thick mop of brown hair, tweed, and a bow tie sat down across from him and grabbed a handful of the little white packets from where they were piled in front of him.


"Oh, so you recognize me, then! Brilliant! Have you met me yet? This me, future-me?"

"No." Jack shrugged and took a sip of his coffee. It was too bitter and too strong and it hurt on the way down.

"You're very quiet. And what are you doing in Australia? There isn't a rift around for miles."

"Just on vacation," Jack lied.

"Oh, all right. Do Torchwood agents get vacations? I suppose they do. How is Torchwood? Gwyneth - no, sorry, Gwen - and what's his name, Yon-something?"


"Yes, yes, him."

He took another gulp of coffee. "He's fine. She's fine. Everybody's fine." Liar, liar, pants on fire.


Fandom: Animorphs
Characters: Rachel, briefly other Anis
Spoilers: #54
Rating: PG
Prompt: Hurt/Comfort: Any, Any, Do not stand at my grave and weep, / I am not there, I do not sleep. / I am in a thousand winds that blow, / I am the softly falling snow. / I am the gentle showers of rain, / I am the fields of ripening grain. / I am in the morning hush, / I am in the graceful rush / Of beautiful birds in circling flight, / I am the starshine of the night. / I am in the flowers that bloom, / I am in a quiet room. / I am in the birds that sing, / I am in each lovely thing. / Do not stand at my grave bereft / I am not there. I have not left. - Mary Elizabeth Frye.

She's allowed to visit each of them once.

She visits Cassie first. Cassie is doing well, moving on with her life. She still cries herself to sleep most nights and wakes up screaming, but that's normal. For an Animorph, that's healthy. She makes it through the day. She'll survive.

After that she checks on Ax. He's a full Andalite prince now, and she laughs to herself at how uncomfortable he is at being charge and how reluctant his warriors are at taking orders from someone so young. But he'll do fine. The war is over for the most part; it's just cleanup now.

Next is Marco and he seems happy enough. He's living his dream. Millionaire (probably billionaire, but she doesn't exactly go poking through his bank statements), parties, TV shows, girls. It's empty, though, she can tell, and she takes a minute to toss him a few sharp barbs that he doesn't hear before she moves on.

After that she goes to Tobias and she could kick him - honestly, she wants to morph to elephant and knock some sense into that little hawk brain of his. She's gone and here he is, living in the woods and scaring campers for some cheap entertainment. She didn't expect him to morph to human and live happily ever after (she hadn't really expected him to even if she survived; the hawk was too deeply imbedded into his sense of self for him to ever give it up) but this. She wonders if he ever visits his mother and decides no, probably not. When Tobias does something unbelievably jerk-like and selfish like this, he does it thoroughly. He probably didn't even say goodbye.

Last is Jake. He's depressed and moping and God, she wishes she were corporeal so she could slap him. He hasn't run off (yet) so that's something, but she isn't happy. He even gave up on Cassie and she doesn't think she can forgive him for that. She and Tobias (she does still love him, selfish bastard that he is) never had much of a chance and Jake's thrown his out the window. She wonders how much of his sulk is truly grief, and how much of it is just guilt for what he's done.

But then her time is up and she knows she has to leave. She wants to tell them - all of them - not to grieve, not to waste the time they paid for with their innocence and three years of blood. They can't hear her when she does, but that doesn't stop her from trying.


Fandom: Whoverse
Characters: Boe
Spoilers: Minor for New Who s3 finale
Rating: PG
Prompt: Memories: Doctor Who/Torchwood, Face of Boe, He can't ever remember he was ever human.

He hardly remembers his time as a human. It lasted so long, and it's been so long, and the people he’s known all mash together in his (admittedly quite large) head until he can hardly tell which name goes to which face or which death goes to which name. Was it Alice or Suzie who used the Resurrection Gauntlet, was it Jonathan or Marcus who had blonde hair? The Doctor and Rose are a vague haze somewhere in the back of his mind and he can't remember the name of the Doctor's ship at all.

He doesn't remember how to walk, doesn't remember how to use his mouth to eat or speak or do anything else he ever used his mouth for. He hasn't moved in so long and he doesn't even remember how he went from human to this. He doesn't remember his childhood, only a vague recollection of sand and khaki, and he knows he had a family but he can't remember their names. He's had many families over the years but they're all gone now, faded into the haze like everyone else. None of his children ever inherited his longevity and maybe that's a good thing. He doesn't want to submit anyone else to this.

He wants to get out of the glass. He wants legs and arms and hands and a mouth that moves. The only problem is, he doesn't even remember what those are anymore, and as he fades he knows he never will.


Fandom: Castle/Firefly
Characters: Beckett, River
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG
Prompt: Crossover: Castle/Firefly, Beckett, River, their new witness is a bit... odd

Their latest lead is a bit odd, Kate thinks, watching the girl. She can't be older than sixteen and she keeps going off on nonsensical tangents. She talks like she knows exactly what's going on in Kate's head (it's very creepy, even to her) and she looks at Castle like she knows him.

Somewhere in the girl's vague babbling Kate picked up on the fact that she had been just outside the building during the murder and heard the shot, and brought her in. She probably saw the perp run away but it's hard to get much out of her.

Kate wonders briefly if the girl is seeing a psychologist and then says, for the sixth time, "Can you tell me your name, please?" For the sixth time, Kate receives no comprehensible answer. But who's counting?


Fandom: Animorphs
Characters: Elfangor/Loren
Spoilers: Andalite Chronicles
Rating: PG
Prompt: Fashion Choices: Any fandom with non-natives to Earth/this dimension/whatever; any non-natives to Earth/this dimension/whatever; Trying to adopt proper, inconspicuous dress. And failing.
Note: Animorphs fic that isn't angsty! :O

Even with Loren to help me, it took some while before I was accustomed to human fashion. Perhaps my biggest mistake was attempting to leave the house with my "boxers" over my "pants". Evidently the boxers are meant to go beneath the pants, rather than on top. This confuses me. If the boxers are to be hidden then why wear them at all? I don't think I'll ever understand the rules of artificial skin.

Another mistake I made was attending my classes in my sleepwear. I believe that there is a difference between appropriate dress at home and appropriate dress in public, but I as of yet haven't been able to discern what the difference is.

Loren also bought me a piece of artificial skin she calls "swim trunks". Only when wearing swim trunks is it appropriate to forego the artificial skin referred to as a "shirt" or a "top". Loren has yet to explain why.


Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Nine
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG
Prompt: Fashion Choices: Doctor Who, 9, picking the outfit

This was always the best part of a new regeneration, the Doctor decided, riffling through the racks and racks of untouched clothes from ninth century China and thirtieth century Texas and fifty-second century Colony XXI in the Charter System. He'd done the grandfatherly look, he'd done the nutty look (more than once), he'd done the Victorian and he'd done the cricket-and-celery. He needed something new. Something modern, although modern was relative.

Glancing through the next few racks, he realized that nearly everything he owned was either patterned, brightly colored, designed for alien physiology, or some combination thereof. This was a problem.

It took him ages (ages) to find something bland. A leather jacket and a jumper, well, that wasn't bad. Leather it would be, at least until he found something better. (What he found instead was Rose.)


Fandom: Animorphs
Characters: Naomi, Jordan, Sara
Spoilers: #54
Rating: PG
Prompt: Fashion Choices: Animorphs, Naomi&Jordan&Sara, picking out the outfit Rachel was cremated in

They spend hours picking through the contents of her closet in silence, and hours more strolling the mall (they have to drive an extra hour to get there because the one near home is just rubble now) and Naomi cries every time they came across something Rachel wore often, or would have liked to wear, or would have snatched up in a heartbeat if she'd seen it on sale. But they never find anything fitting enough, nothing to say, Yes, I am beautiful; yes, I am loved; yes, I will break your face if you so much as look at me the wrong way, in the same way Rachel used to say it, without words. Finally they choose a light sweater and her favorite jeans and Naomi's tears don't stop as she dresses her daughter for the last time. Because Rachel never needed fancy clothes to look good; even in death she handles that fine all on her own.


Fandom: Animorphs
Characters: Cassie
Spoilers: #54
Rating: PG
Prompt: Fashion Choices: Animorphs, Cassie, decades later and she can still hear Rachel's voice in her ear encouraging her to please not wear a certain outfit or another- but she does anyways, because she's not Rachel

She doesn't need anyone to take her shopping anymore. She's a grown woman now and she earns enough to not need to rely on sales to get by. Her children roll their eyes behind her back at her fashion choices (they're not as discreet as they think they are) and every time she reaches for something practical and sturdy she can hear Rachel practically begging her to please not wear the shirt with the manure on the cuffs and please go buy new pants instead of patching up the holes. She doesn't listen, though. She never listened to Rachel's fashion advice when they were children and she still doesn't listen now, because an animal isn't going to not poop on you just because your shirt goes with your jeans. (It isn't why she doesn't listen but she doesn't admit that, even to herself.)


Fandom: Firefly
Characters: River, Mr. Tam
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG
Prompt: Fashion Choices: Firefly, River, Dressing up in someone else's clothes - walk a mile in someone else's shoes

When she wears someone else's clothes she can understand them. She can feel them, their presence hovering between the cloth and her skin like a soft undergarment.

"River, you can't correct people every time they're wrong."

"But they're wrong."

"Think about how you'd feel if someone kept interrupting you to correct you." Her father gazes sternly down at her.


"To understand someone, you have to--"

"Walk a mile in their shoes," she murmurs to herself, slipping her feet into a pair of boots that don't fit. They slide around, pinching her toes and then bumping her heels as she paces from side to side. "Walk a mile, walk a mile, why can't I understand?"


Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Doctor
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG
Prompt: Fashion Choices: Any fandom with non-natives to Earth/this dimension/whatever; any non-natives to Earth/this dimension/whatever; Trying to adopt proper, inconspicuous dress. And failing.

Honestly, it's not that he enjoys having such an (apparently) atrocious fashion sense. It's just that Time Lord fashion is different than Earth fashion and he's just trying to learn to balance the two. Really.

Also, Earth fashion is ridiculous. Changing every few months, different styles based on season, social standing, atmosphere, location, time . . . He much prefers the Gallifreyan "one outfit fits all" view of clothes and while he does try to vary his attire a bit from time to time it's mostly the same throughout a regeneration.

And maybe (just maybe) he enjoys the odd looks he gets for it. And yeah, the teasing. Maybe. Just a little.


Fandom: Sherlock
Characters: Sherlock, John, Mycroft
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG
Prompt: Fashion Choices: Sherlock, Sherlock/+John Mycroft, when he was growing up Sherlock went through a goth phase. Mycroft takes great pleasure in E-mailing John pictures of Sherlock looking like the love child of Siouxsie Sioux and Peter Murphy whenever Sherlock annoys him...

Deedly dee. Deedly dee.

"John," Sherlock says, throwing an arm over his eyes. "Phone."

Deedly dee. Deedly dee.

"Oh, for heaven's sake, Sherlock, you're right next to-- Oh, never mind." John sighs, sets down his laptop, and crosses the room to pick up the phone lying at Sherlock's feet. "It's your brother."

Wordlessly, Sherlock takes the phone, answers, and hangs up. He throws it onto the couch and leans back into his previous position.

John returns to his computer and checks his email, surprised to see a new message has appeared in the few seconds since he got up. He opens it and there's a long period of silence that Sherlock relishes until, "What the hell is this?"

It is, quite obviously, a rhetorical question, so Sherlock holds his silence and remains deep in thought.

"Sherlock, is this you?"

At that Sherlock is on his feet and at John's shoulder in an instant, peering at the photograph that Mycroft (that pompous interfering brat of an elder brother) has just sent to John.

"Oh." Sherlock swiftly snaps the (John's) laptop shut and carries it back over to the couch before John can get a better look. "Yes, I do believe it is." Safely back in his seat, he opens the computer again and deletes the email. "You can have this back now." And he holds out the laptop although John is now on the other side of the room. John sighs and retrieves his computer, wishing he could have gotten a better look at the photograph. He's sure Sherlock has already deleted it from the trash bin as well; the man would never make such a careless oversight.

Deedly dee. Deedly dee.

"John, phone."



Fandom: BSG (2003)
Characters: Lee/Kara
Spoilers: s2 finale
Rating: PG
Prompt: bsg, kara/lee, i missed you

It's a month since the first settlers set foot on New Caprica before Lee Adama pays a visit.

"Hello, Commander, decided it's finally time to come join us humble ground dwellers?" Kara slings a friendly arm over his shoulders, the smell of ambrosia hanging on her breath.

"Assaulting a superior officer, that'll earn you time in the brig if you're not careful," Lee scolds lightly, and she laughs.

"Admit it, you missed me."

He pauses in mock contemplation. "Yeah," he says finally, dragging out the word like it pains him. "Yeah, I missed you."

"Missed you too."


Fandom: Firefly/Torchwood
Characters: Simon/Ianto
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Fashion Choices: Torchwood/Firefly, Ianto/Simon, "Love the suit."
Notes: I failed at paralleling Jack/Ianto. Also Simon is so OOC arghhh Dx

The first time they meet Ianto shoots down the man that's after Simon and Simon repays the favor by patching up his wounds.

"Thanks," Ianto says, rolling his shoulder experimentally. "That's much better. Thanks."

"Don't mention it." Simon packs up the last of his med kit and snaps it shut. "Dr. Simon Tam."

"Jones. Ianto Jones."

"Nice to meet you, Jones Ianto Jones." Simon stands, offers a hand to help the other man to his feet.

Ianto smiles. "Like the tie."

"See you." Simon collects his things (jacket, med kit, duffel bag) and vanishes into the dark.


The second time they meet Ianto is trying to chase down his ship (it's just a small old-style Graybird L29 but it's home) after someone sneaks aboard, hotwires the controls and takes off. Simon offers the services of his own ship, a run-down old shuttle off of a boat destined for the junkyard. Ianto accepts and together they chase down the thief, overtaking him quickly. Ianto's spent long enough on that ship to know all the secret ways in and he borrows Simon's pressure suit to get aboard and steal it back.

They marry the hatches and Ianto returns the pressure suit. "Thanks," he says, and he's turning away when suddenly he finds himself pressed against the bulkhead being kissed fiercely and he's most surprised to discover that he's already kissing in return.

Both men are clean, efficient, and orderly, and so is their sex. It's over in half an hour and Simon relaxes on Ianto's bunk (they did make it to the bed, eventually) as Ianto searches out a fresh suit.

"Nice," Simon says. "Love the suit."

"Better in or out?" Ianto deadpans, fingers deftly looping the tie at his throat.

Simon smiles. "Definitely out."


Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Suzie
Spoilers: "They Keep Killing Suzie"
Rating: PG-13 for language
Prompt: Torchwood, Any, holier than thou

She hates the way they look at her.

This is why she wanted to leave, Suzie thinks, staring at Jack through hooded eyes. They don't want her. Never did.

He's looking at you like that because you shot him through the forehead, a nasty little voice at the back of her mind whispers.

But he didn't die, she retorts, adjusting the hood over her wounds. I did.

The first sign of insanity is talking to yourself, she remembers hearing once, and she would laugh if she wasn't back at fucking Torchwood. Back at Torchwood with Jack and his holier than thou attitude. With Owen and his snark. Toshiko and her technology. Ianto and his cleanliness. And Gwen with that fucking gap between her teeth (Owen never could resist a girl with a gap between her teeth) and how could she be replaced with a little girl like that?

Fuck Torchwood. Fuck them all.


Fandom: Animorphs
Characters: Rachel
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG-13 for mild gore
Prompt: Animorphs, Rachel, step by step

Step by step she crosses the balance beam, feet edging across the thin piece of wood. Off-balance, she tilts, arms windmilling instinctively, and the instructor moves forward to catch her when she falls. She doesn't, finding her center of balance again, and takes a breath, staring straight ahead. Step by step. She can do this. Step by step.

Four years later and she doesn't have to think it, strolling from one end of the beam to the other like it's solid ground. Handstands, cartwheels, flips. She does it all to the rhythm. Step by step. Step by step.

Another year and she's dying, hot lifeblood congealing in her matted chest fur. One of her paws is on the other side of the room and she drags herself towards the door, a crippled grizzly with three legs. If she can get out of sight she can demorph and she will make it, she tells herself, she will, no matter what. She just has to keep moving, has to keep flailing around blindly with her remaining forepaw to keep the path clear. Step by step. Step by step.


Fandom: Animorphs
Characters: Rachel
Spoilers: #54
Rating: PG
Prompt: Animorphs, Rachel, fractured fairy tail

As a child even Rachel went through a brief phase of wanting to be a princess. She shed the tiara swiftly, though, replacing it with a tutu, a fire helmet, and a leotard in turn. She looked the part, blonde hair and blue eyes and perfect skin and white teeth, and acted anything but. Marco's fondness of calling her Xena seemed to be coincidence, but really, she never knew. And when her broken body was collected by the Andalites aboard the Elfangor and returned to Earth, if anything she resembled a fairy tale even more, Sleeping Beauty waiting for a prince to come and kiss her back to life.


Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack/Gwen
Spoilers: "Something Borrowed"
Rating: PG
Prompt: Torchwood, Jack/Gwen, Stop the Wedding

He's always wanted an excuse to burst in just as the preacher says to "speak now or forever hold your peace" and yell "Stop the wedding!" Now he has one and he can't even admit to himself that maybe (just maybe) he enjoyed it a little more than he should have.


Will tag tomorrow, 'night!

mycroft holmes, rory williams, kara thrace, sherlock holmes, tenth doctor, john watson, cassie, castle, rose, zack addy, the doctor, river tam, jordan b, bones, martha jones, rick castle, hodgins, rachel b, eleventh doctor, kate beckett, firefly, ianto, battlestar galactica, naomi (animorphs), ninth doctor, bbc sherlock, suzie costello, jack harkness, loren, laney, malcolm reynolds, torchwood, sara b, gwen, doctor who, lee adama, simon tam, face of boe, elfangor, animorphs

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