Multi-fandom drabble/commentfic dump

Mar 02, 2011 15:49

Title: Last Word
Fandom: Animorphs
Characters: Rachel
Spoilers: #54
Words: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: If she's allowed to say one more thing.

It’s not that I regret it, any of it. If I had the chance I would go back and do it all again in a heartbeat.

I just wish. . . well, I just wish it could have ended better than it did. I don’t mind dying for the war but still, all that waiting, all that hoping, and then it was done.

And if I had one last word I was allowed to say to the others?

I’m not sure, honestly. I’d like to say sorry. Sorry for leaving you like that, for dying.

But it might be, “Okay.”


Title: Yellow
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Ianto, Jack
Spoilers: None
Words: 100
Prompt: tw100 #188: Yellow
Rating: G
Summary: St. David's Day

Ianto carefully smoothed down the bright petals and then stepped back to admire his handiwork.

“So how do I look?” Jack asked, glancing down at the pastel daffodil affixed to his coat.

Ianto smiled. “Very handsome, sir.”

“You know, I dated St. David once. No alcohol, but he had some very creative ways to use a leek.”

“I think you’ve dated everyone.”

“Not just yet, but I’m getting there.”

Ianto tucked a second flower into his own breast pocket before adjusting the matching tie just so. “Shall we go, then?”

Jack made a mock bow towards the ladder. “After you.”


Title: Probably
Fandom: Animorphs
Characters/Pairings: Tobias; Tobias/Rachel
Spoilers: #54
Words: 116
Rating: PG
Summary: Angst.

Probably, probably if she’d lived, they couldn’t have lasted. The way Jake and Cassie hadn’t lasted (he deserves it the bastard).

He knows that. He knows. He isn’t an idiot and he still has a half functioning human brain somewhere in there (he wishes he doesn’t because hawks don’t hurt).

By the end she was dark and twisted and could never have adjusted to life without fighting and war and bloodshed (he wonders if he could have been human again and doesn’t know).

But he misses her brilliance and her voice and her laugh (it could lift him up like no thermal ever could).

And now she’s gone (he’s alone again, a hawk in the woods).


Title: Small Hands
Fandom: Animorphs
Characters: Rachel, Cassie
Spoilers: None
Words: 113
Rating: G
Prompt: Childhood Memories: Animorphs, Cassie and Rachel, why they became friends in the first place

Small hands stick out to either side as she places a foot carefully in line on the curb. Like the balance beam, only there's no one to catch her if she falls. She tries a handstand, like she's seen older girls do during practice, but she plants her hands wrong and topples to the pavement. She doesn't cry, because she's too big to cry, but it hurts, and it isn't until she sits up that she sees the small dark fingers stretched towards her.

"Are you okay?" the girl asks, and helps her to her feet.

"Of course," she answers, shaking golden hair bravely out of her eyes, and the rest is history.


Title: Fire
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters/Pairings: Rory/Amy
Spoilers: Minor for 5x01
Words: 147
Rating: G
Prompt: Childhood Memories: Doctor Who, Rory Williams, there wasn't a life before Amy Pond

Rory was a quiet boy. He was kind and shy and nervous and never raised his hand in class. But that was before he met the girl with the fiery hair and the attitude to match, with her fantasies of the magic Doctor and the box with the swimming pool inside. He was the only one she could bully into playing with her because all she wanted to play was the Raggedy Doctor with his flying box and Amelia Pond with the hair of fire and the fairytale name. And he complained sometimes, that the tie she made him wear was too tight around his neck and that she used up his whole blue marker coloring her cardboard box, but he never really minded at all because she made him play her hero, and even though he was only a stand-in it was good enough for him.


Title: Notice
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: The Doctor (any)
Spoilers: None
Words: 100
Rating: G
Summary: Time Lords are like elephants.

The worst thing about noticing everything was that once they were gone he started seeing little bits of them everywhere.

That girl had hair like Liz. That one talked like Sarah. This one had a jacket like Ace’s. The girl over there pushed her tongue against her teeth when she laughed like Rose.

And it hurt, every time, no matter who it reminded him of: Susan or Jamie or Romana or Grace or Martha or Jack.

That was the worst thing. That was why he ran, away from the memories, but it never worked, and a Time Lord never forgets.


Title: Upstairs
Fandom: Animorphs
Characters: Peter, Marco
Spoilers: None
Words: 77
Rating: PG
Prompt: Heritage: Animorphs, Marco, what he got from his mother and what little he got from his father

Peter sits and drinks and stares at the television and thinks about the boy upstairs.

He's so glad he has Marco because Marco is proof that Eva was here, that Eva ever ate in that kitchen or sat on that chair or slept in that bed beside him at night. From Eva Marco got his eyes and his hair and his skin and his humor. From Peter Marco has nothing because Peter has nothing left to give.

the doctor, ianto, peter (animorphs), rory williams, amy pond, jack harkness, torchwood, rachel b, doctor who, marco, cassie, tobias, eva, animorphs

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