Lion // Morning Coffee

Feb 25, 2011 03:42

Title: Lion
Fandom: Animorphs
Characters: David/Rachel
Spoilers: For the David trilogy, I guess, but it wouldn't make much sense if you hadn't read it yet. It can really be set any time after #48, either because she left him alive and continued to visit him or it takes place after death.
Words: 464
Rating: PG-13? I dunno, that's just to be safe. It's not really inappropriate but he's implying . . . stuff.
Summary: He just follows the urges of nature.
Notes: This came to me while reading Jurassic Park. Don't ask. Just, no.

“You know, lions are pretty vicious creatures.”

She stands with her back to him, unmoving, her posture stiff and aggressive. As if to contrast, he reclines on the floor with his legs stretched out comfortably as he continues.

“I did some reading after I first acquired one. Cassie was kind enough to sneak me a few of her parents’ books while I was staying in her barn.”

He puts no special emphasis in his words, but the meaning is clear: She was nice to me. You were not.

“Did you know that when a male lion takes over another male’s pride, the first thing he does is kill all the cubs? After all, his job is to pass along his genes to as many offspring as he possibly can, so why should his females waste their time raising someone else’s cubs?”

He leers at her turned back.

“That’s all I was doing, after all. I beat Jake in a fair fight. His pride became mine. It was just nature. Survival of the fittest.”

He gets up, stands behind her, snakes his arms silently over her shoulders, but she remains immobile, a stone statue in the dark. Smiling coldly, he leans his head against hers, gold against gold.

“You know, some people might say we’re opposites. That that’s why we get on each other’s nerves so much.”

She finally responds, with a small, disbelieving noise in the back of her throat. Encouragement unneeded but nice anyway, he plunges on with his monologue.

“But we know different, don’t we, Rach? We’re so alike that we know exactly how to push each other’s buttons. How to push each other over the edge.”

He twists his head to whisper into her ear, loud enough that she can hear him even through the curtain of hair.

“And that scares you, doesn’t it? Knowing that if I wanted to I could press you into doing something you’d regret later. Knowing that the very part of me that you hate is something you share. Knowing that you could easily follow in my footsteps.”

“Never,” she says firmly, but he can hear the underlying cracks of doubt in her tone, the chinks in her armor.

He’s close to breaking her now. Sensing weakness, closing in for the kill, he presses on.

“But that’s why you keep coming back, isn’t it? Why you let me hurt you. So you can remind yourself what you have to stay away from. What your limits are. But you know what, Rach? You’ve crossed them. You crossed them long before me. So good luck with that.”

He leans in closer, tightens his grip around her forearms, feels just the slightest bit of give in her shoulders.

“Did you know that even a lion’s penis has spines?”


Title: Morning Coffee
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Characters/Pairings: Kara, Lee; mentioned Zak/Kara
Spoilers: None
Words: 266
Prompt: "Battlestar Galactica - Kara & Lee - Zak isn't dead" by syd15 in the Rewriting History Commentfic meme (prompt here)
Rating: PG
Summary: Married life just doesn't suit her.
Notes: Because really, can you see Kara married happily for any length of time? Look at what happened with Sam. I haven't watched the show in a couple months so they might be slightly OOC. Also do they even have coffee?

"So. Heard there was a little spat last night."

Kara looks up from her cooling cup of coffee to see . . . well, probably the second-to-last person she wants to see. Maybe third. He pulls out the chair across the table and she frowns.

"I don't remember asking you to join me, Captain."

"Good morning to you too. Married life not working out so well, then?"

"Who knew domestics could be so difficult?"

He chuckles. "I think quite a few people on the ship could have told you that."

She waves her spoon at him in annoyance. "No one bothered to mention it."

"So did you bite his head off or what? I hope so, it'd be an improvement."

"Not quite." She cracks a smile. Maybe she doesn't mind Lee as much as she claims. "I might have had the urge to shoot him, though."

"I think most of the barracks had that urge too," he notes. "That was some racket. You planning to drink that?" He indicates the coffee, which has been sitting untouched on the table between them for several minutes.

"Take it," she says, pushing the mug towards him.

"Mm. Thanks." He takes a long draw. "So where is the headless wonder now?"

She shrugs. "No idea. He was gone when I woke up." Absently she removes her ring and places it on the table, spinning it on its side. "Hangar deck, maybe. Or talking to your father."

"Right." Setting down the half-drunk coffee, he stands, his chair scraping against the metal flooring. "Be in the ready room in fifteen."

"Yes, sir."

rachel b, lee adama, kara thrace, david (animorphs), battlestar galactica, animorphs

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