Art Post for Every Boy Should Have Two Things

Aug 19, 2012 17:44

Title:  Every Boy Should Have Two Things
Author: ladyknightanka
Artist: rattyjol
Genre: AU, Gen, kidfic, family
for spn_adambang

Art Rating: G
Art Warnings: None.

(Click for fullsize.)

Once Peggy is out of sight, Sam hurries inside the glass enclosure of an adjacent bus stop. With one hand, he both beckons Bones in and grabs a newspaper from the stack parallel a side exit. He takes one from the middle so it isn't as wet, and lines pages out on the sole bench inside, long enough for him to stretch out on, though he has to repeat the process on the ground for Bones. He doesn't want his dog to sleep in a puddle, either.

Sam sprawls out on his improvised bed and gives Bones's head one last stroke. “G'night, boy.”


Sam fondly observes how Bones stands stock-still, to allow Adam the chance to hook up his new collar and leash. It takes only a couple of minutes, and then they're out the door, on their way to the park. Adam takes Sam's hand as soon as they hit the sidewalk.

supernatural, fan art, adam milligan, sam winchester

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