Commentfics (Supernatural, BBC Sherlock, Doctor Who)

Jan 04, 2012 14:58

Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Dean, Cas
Setting: near the end of s5
Rating: PG
Prompt: Mundane problems: Supernatural, Castiel/any, It's things like these that make him regret choosing humanity over Heaven.

"Morning, sunshine. You angels sure need your beauty sleep." Dean's been up for hours already, going through Revelations with a fine-toothed comb (again).

"Dean, I believe I am dying." Dean looks up in alarm. Cas' suit and hair are rumpled with sleep, but there are no visible wounds.

"You don't look like you're dying."

"My head hurts," Cas explains with a sniff, "and my throat itches, and I seem to have lost the ability to breathe through my nose."

Dean even chuckles. "You're not dying, Cas. You've got a cold."

"How do I fix it?"

"You don't. Here, make yourself useful and read through this." Dean slides another translation of the Bible across the table and nudges the empty chair with his foot. "Sit. Just don't sneeze on me."


Title: Stonehenge
Fandom: BBC Sherlock(/Doctor Who)
Characters: Jim, John, Sherlock
Rating: PG
Prompt: Use dialogue from anything to write a Sherlock drabble.

Jim grins crookedly, with all the determination of someone who's lost everything. Everything except the pistol in his hands and the man locked in his grip.

"Hello, Reichenbach!" he calls, Irish lilt echoing off the rocky canyon. "He who takes me down, saves the detective! But guess who! Ha! Look at you lot, all rushing about over there. Would you all just stay still a moment, because I. AM. TALKING!" His arm tightens dangerously around Sherlock's throat. The Swiss police falter, eyes flickering between the barrel buried in dark hair and the dress shoes positioned dangerously close to the edge. Jim nods in satisfaction. "That's better. Now, the question of the hour is: Who's got the detective? Answer: I do! Next question: Who's coming to take him from me?" He twists around to glare challengingly at John, who's paused uncertainly a short distance away, gun in hand.

By all rights Jim Moriarty should be desperate, trapped, lashing out like a caged animal. On the run, wanted by the police of nearly every country in the world, with his criminal ring shattered by the man he now has in his grasp, he should be panicking. But John can see that he's still cold, still calculating, still mapping and scheming and plotting his way out of this. Sherlock is limp as a rag doll in his grasp, unconscious.

"Come on!" Jim roars, the falls rumbling behind him. He whirls, his hostage's heels dragging in the dirt. "Look at me! No plan, no backup, no weapons worth a damn. And something else I don't have: Anything! To! Lose! So if you're standing out there with your silly little brains and all your silly - little - guns - and you've got any plans of taking him back tonight, just remember who's standing in your way!" Here he pauses to leer at John, trailing the barrel of his gun across Sherlock's sharp cheek and down the pale throat. "Remember every black day I ever fought you! And then - and then - do the smart thing: Let somebody else try first."


Title: The Night Is Not Always Dark
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Dean, Impala
Rating: G
Prompt: 42 words: author's choice, author's choice, the world narrowed to a man and his horse, running

Sometimes when it's just him in the car, with the aged leather against his back and one hand loosely gripping the wheel; when the roads are empty and his headlights slice through the night like a blade; sometimes then he can forget.

Title: At Darilium
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Eleven/River
Spoilers: Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead; s6 miniclips
Rating: G
Prompt: 42 words: Author’s choice, author’s choice, you know what happens next. you’ve always known how this would end. don’t look so surprised.

He slips the screwdriver into her palm. "You'll need this."

"An old model, sweetie? You haven't used blue in years."

"I've made some improvements." He looks away, pretending to be engrossed in the spectacle, and she doesn't ask, because they never ask.

supernatural, the doctor, impala, sherlock holmes, doctor who, eleventh doctor, castiel, john watson, dean winchester, river song, jim moriarty, bbc sherlock

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