Title: Childish
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Characters: Sherlock, John, Mrs. Hudson
Spoilers: None
Words: 221
Rating: PG for slight language
Summary: Sherlock Holmes can (and often does) act like a petulant child on his best of days, and everyone knows it. A much more little-known fact, however, is that when John Watson is angry at someone he's not allowed to shoot he can become equally juvenile, and that's when things really go to hell.
Note: This is a 221B fic, meaning that it's exactly 221 words and the last word starts with the letter 'B'.
When John and Sherlock fight for real, it’s usually pointless, and always childish. It starts with angry words (shouted loud enough that Mrs. Hudson knows to stay away) and, later, angrier looks exchanged over texting and telly. Then John will get up and leave the room when Sherlock tries to talk over a case and in return Sherlock will stop letting John come to crime scenes at all. While Sherlock’s out John viciously tidies up the flat (taking special care to throw out half-finished experiments and completely reorganize the consulting detective’s bedroom) and then Sherlock plays a deliberately out-of-tune violin all night from the moment John’s bedroom door closes. By the end of the week they’ve usually both given up and return to a sort of frosty silence until someone (ie John, because Sherlock’s one hell of a lot more stubborn than he is) finally caves and apologizes. Of course, neither of them quite agree on what it was they were fighting over in the first place: Sherlock’s just peeved that John tried to move one of his more volatile experiments, while John is slightly more concerned with the fact that the test tubes blew up in his face. Finally Mrs. Hudson, with her almost supernatural powers of knowing when the storm has passed, checks in to bring fresh biscuits.