Well, huh.

May 18, 2007 00:22

So, here's the thing. I've been called bitter and twisted at various times by various friends. And maybe I am when it comes to certain things. But in my defence, HERE'S bitter and twisted for you!

So, it's 12.15am and I've just got off the train after work. Get to the footpath and a passenger in a car driving past on the adjacent road yells out rather angrily at me, "GO HOME YOU F***ING SL**!!" Of course I ignored the comment, but as I was walking the quarter of a km to my house I couldn't help thinking about the irony of the comment given:

1) I was dressed as what can only be described as 'conservative', obviously because I had my work uniform on still. My blouse is black and it was buttoned up all the way to the top - as in the next button would be the one on the collar; I had neatly ironed black pinstripe pants on and black flat (nanna-ish) tie-up shoes and black socks. The only colour I had was my zipup pink jacket I had over top, and the clip in my hair that was holding up my half-chignon.

2) Anyone that knows me knows I'm a damn far cry from ever being anything resembling what that person seemed to think I was.

And yet, the comment was still directed at me.

So there you have it. Bitter and twisted.

Off to bed now. Nie nies! :)
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