Oh, dear.

Mar 20, 2007 12:36

1pm (AEST - so 11am in Perth) today there's gonna be a press conference because apparently Ben Cousins is "suspended indefinitely" (ohhhhhh MG.).


In other news, yesterday I was waltzing around the CBD after dropping off a few resumes here and there, and on my way to visit ACMI (Australian Centre of the Moving Image) I passed through Federation Square where they had this water display thingy because the FINA World Cup is on at the moment. And then it struck me as a tad bizarre that Melbourne's hosting swimming championships when we're on Level 4 water restrictions. *scratches head*

Work was good! I was a bit scared actually coz I thought they'd be all "NO! MAKE THE BED LIKE THIS!" But actually it turns out they're a very clean, very organised and, as it turns out, very cruisy. So I'm in my element (Heh. I'm a kick-arse cleaner. :p). The pay is... welllll, I've had better but I'm not complaining.

But all I want to know is WHY can't we have a team that isn't constantly making national headlines because of the extra-curricular scandals?!?!? I mean we have a bloke with anger-management issues (Kerr); an ex-captain who - proving his exceptional running skills on and off the field - runs drunkenly from booze-busses (Cousins); just to name a few, and these are all key, star players who are idolised by everyone, especially up-and-comings like my younger brother. I'm not saying that they can't go out and party like the rest of us (necessarily - I mean you're a professional footy player after all) - well, maybe those with anger management issues should think twice - so I suppose it goes into that whole media issue of  "private lives of public icons" blah blah blah thing.

But most of all - HOW can they do this to Woosha?!?!! HOOOOOWWWWWW?!??!

Meh. Off to wash dishes. And I really feel like a pie!

footy, wce, addiction, work

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