Wizarding News

Mar 16, 2009 11:11

You can now watch the documentary "We are Wizards" online in it's entirety on HULU. Fascinating stuff. Can't wait to read the comments on this one! There is some bad language and the F-bomb.

If you haven't heard alot of Wizard Wrock band lyrics, this is a good introduction.  I admit to knowing almost nothing about the phenomenon.

Couple of highlights about copyright - this guy Brad Neely who only knows the story from the movies and wrote his own words to fit with it. I detest his voice - ack! - but the idea is pretty funny. Read more about him HERE. His views on WB are so hilarious - he talks about some guy smoking a cigarette who calls the other "sleeper cells" to warn them when someone is breaking copyright. *LOL* We have our own X-File Cigarette Smoking Man, apparently! I hate to tell him, but WB has no sense of humor about this, so we are laughing as we pass the fan graveyard.

About a third of the way through is the story of a girl who stood up to WB when their attorneys tried to pull her Harry Potter website off-line. She orchestrated a world-wide boycott of the movies and dvds called "Potterwar." Can't say that I remember participating, but it's pretty interesting. Considering what happened to the Lexicon, I don't think she really changed WB's view on copyright.

Note: This has a few commercials scattered within the video, so it's a little different than YouTube.

More HP News:

There was a hubbub over the weekend about a British Tabloid saying there had been another preview of HBP and people hated it. Turns out, it was just a rehash of last fall's fatal preview when they showed HBP and people hated it. So no worries, right? Notice they didn't deny that the comments were uniformly negative. WB only debunked the idea that they would be stupid enough to repeat the negative commenting process. *LOL* Smart move, WB!

OK - who can explain this? A new picture has emerged on AcesShowbiz and originally on Scar Potter of two girls called "The Carrow Twins" - Flora and Hestia - and it's supposed to be from the Slug Club scene in HBP. One theory I've seen around is that this is really Crabbe and Goyle in disguise, but why name them after the Carrows, who were brother and sister? Implied incest?
What the h-e-double-toothpicks is wrong with WB?

Twin Poster Children For WB's Plot-Changing Mania

Also, WB has chosen the guy to play Bill Weasley for DH. Why he isn't in HBP is a mystery.
Guess what? This is the son of Brendan Gleeson who plays Mad-Eye Moody.
Domhnall Gleeson

criticism, harry potter, wb, copyright, snark, fair use, deathly hallows, satire, movies, fandom, half-blood prince, music, wrock

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