My husband is completely fed up with the RNC this week, and did not want Palin's squeaky voice blaring through the house tonight. He was nauseated at the idea of watching it, which I completely understand, as I had felt nauseous most of the day in anticipation.
I fell asleep early, which was a far, far better thing for me to do.
It's 2 a.m. and I just watched Palin's amazing speech. What was amazing about it?
1. She was preaching to the choir just to rally the base - probably a wasted opportunity to reach out to other groups.
2. She didn't try at all to appeal to Hillary supporters - Chris Matthews said "There's nothing there."
3. After Jeff Toobin on CNN asked the other night if they are the "party of old men," they brought in a bunch of "White Students for McCain" to cheer loudly and keep all the elderly white people awake - good call!
4. She made "community organizer" a dirty word (or code word for "uppity inner-city negro" - the crowd got that, too).
5. Palin's kids were very cute, and the youngest licked her hand to smooth the baby's hair - nice Kodak moment.
6. She kept talking about McCain wanting to "win" in Iraq as he did in Vietnam. I forget - did we actually "win" Vietnam? Um, no.
7. As I predicted, she thinks her strengths are being a hockey mom, a PTA Mom, and mayor of a small town.
8. She avoided mentioning all her scandals, or her aspirations to be a book burner at the local library.
9. She attacked the Media over and over again - obviously she feels besieged, but who does she think will be covering her campaign? This isn't about glowing write-ups in small town newspapers. Welcome to a national campaign in the Lower 48. Good luck with the Chicago Newspapers. Good luck with Oprah.
Now this may surprise alot of you, but I am disabling comments on this one as I will probably do with all my political posts from now on. People seem offended because I am an unapologetic Democrat. Sorry, I'm not going to change between now and the election. Just ignore me, defriend, or whatever - I won't be offended.
My husband and I have both been Democrats since we were young teenagers. He was raised by Republicans, and I was raised by Roosevelt Democrats. Neither of us ever went through an "Independent" phase at all. That may seem strange to some of you who like to keep your options open, but I consider myself ideologically a Democrat on the basis of the environment, poverty, and views about war and peace. It's simple. The Republicans do not have the agenda I believe in.
Ironically, McCain is the only Republican we ever considered voting for, back when he really was a Maverick. Those days are long past, and he has capitulated to his own party so he can try to get elected. Good luck to him, and to Ms. Palin. They will need it because now the gloves are off.