Bed Knobs and Broomsticks is a 1972 Walt Disney movie based on a book with a similar title (remove the "s's" from the words) by the British writer Mary Norton, who also wrote the Borrower series - my absolute favorite books when I was a child.
In August of 1940 in the English village of Pepperinge Eye, three cockney orphans are sent to live with Eglantine Price (Angela Lansbury), who is studying to become an apprentice witch. When she receives a letter from the Correspondence College of Witchcraft in London, she and the children fly on a bed (by way of a magic bedknob) to London to meet the headmaster of the defunct school, Emelius Brown (David Tomlinson). At a townhouse where Mr. Brown is staying, Miss Price finds half of a book called THE SPELLS OF ASTOROTH. For the other half, they deal with a shady character known as the Bookman (Sam Jaffe). Written by
Matthew Anscher (c/o Mitchell Anscher) {} The movie ends with a vivid battle scene, as suits of armor come to life through magic and fight against the Nazis! This won an Academy Award for Special Effects in 1972. Of course, many of us wish the Battle of Hogwarts might have been more like this. Notice that Angela Lansbury leads the fight, much the way Minerva McGonagall does in DH. The castle looks like Hogwarts, and so do the flags! Enjoy:
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