Breaking NEWSFLASH: I wasn't expecting this today, and in fact I've been holding these quotes for a week and wasn't sure if my title was a bit premature, but now it seems that Santorum really is dropping out of the race today!!! I must have been having a premonition. I will update this again after he makes his goodbye speech.
CBS: Santorum Ending Bid for GOP NominationSantorum will make the announcement at a press conference in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania shortly, a senior member of his campaign staff told CBS News.
UPDATE Two: Here's the drop-out speech from Santorum:
Click to view
Congratulations to Mitt Romney...He won in Wisconsin. Rick Santorum finished second. Newt Gingrich came in fourth behind Ron Paul. But Wisconsin was not a total loss for Newt. He did make off with a 45-pound wheel of cheese. ~ Jay Leno,
Here Mitt Romney is catching heat for a possible violation of election rules. He was at a sub shop handing out free sandwiches. Special Romney sandwiches - they come on really, really white bread.
~ Jimmy Kimmel,
Here Slumlord Donald Trump is telling Santorum to get out of race with dignity. If anybody knows dignity, it's Trump.
~ David Letterman, quoted by
Roger Simon of Politico on Twitter Santorum pulling out before Pennsylvania would be like Custer skipping Little Bighorn.
Ben Smith from Buzzfeed on Twitter [W]hat General Washington understood, some of the best ideas, some of the best plans, in fact what has made this country great is that we have listened to real significant voices of everyday Americans. And he did. And that’s why he crossed the Delaware, surprised the Hessians and turned the tide of the revolution.’
~ Presidential Candidate, Rick Santorum, in a Liberty-Bell-ringing speech in Mars, Pennsylvania after losing three primary races to Mitt Romney. Strangely, one of the races was in Washington, DC, where Santorum failed to get his name on the ballot. Via
Washington Post In-the-Loop Blog We may disagree on a lot of things, but I'm with Santorum 100 percent when it comes to the Hessians.
Tim Murphy of Mother Jones on Twitter Rick Santorum edges toward the embarrassment zone ...
~ Chris Cillizza on
The Fix Santorum really has no choice but to pull out early, same as you'd have for birth control if he'd been elected.
pourmecoffee on Twitter