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rattlesnakeroot January 8 2012, 19:32:10 UTC

Maybe because our opinion agrees with the resolution of the book! Snape was a redeemed character, not some 2-dimensional cartoon villain.

Harry and Neville grew up and had productive lives, partly because Snape was willing to put himself on the line again and again for the sake of that generation. To go back and nitpick over how "traumatized" they were from Snape seems to ignore the deadly danger they were in from Voldemort all their lives. And before you blame Snape for the prophecy thing and put the weight of the danger on his shoulders, let me point out that the Dark Lord was going to return anyway because of the horcruxes, which Snape had nothing to do with in the first place. And Peter was the reason the Potters died, and the reason Voldemort returned.

This nitpicking over sarcasm in the classroom is really petty, especially since most people in the world survive teachers exactly like that and often look back at them with fondness. Heck, JKR may have hated her chemistry class, but she based one of her best characters on Mr. Nettleship and basically immortalized him. Why do that if she was really traumatized? I think because as an adult and a teacher herself she wanted to show both a childish view of teachers as well as humanize them - a fact this essayist missed in spades.


matts2068 January 8 2012, 19:54:43 UTC
I'll make it clear here, I don't reply to anonymous people who don't even bother to sign there posts, I don't even bother reading them in the first place. There is no valid reason for staying anon online on someone's personal LJ, nobody will go after you and harres you. People, like me, have better things to do. Everybody else, feel free to feed the troll.


rattlesnakeroot January 8 2012, 21:18:24 UTC
You did respond to me, so I guess you do respond to "anonymous" people. :p


subtle1science January 9 2012, 00:46:58 UTC
I just LOVE anonymous jackasses who so have the courage of their convictions that they won't sign their names to their posts. I've always wanted to know--Exactly what are jerks like you afraid of?


rattlesnakeroot January 9 2012, 01:15:53 UTC
I'm only a "jack ass" because I don't agree with your opinion of Snape. It makes no difference if I use my name or not. It's not like you'd know me anyway.

What am I afraid of? Nothing. Just don't care to make a Livejournal account.

Thank you for showing the true nature of the Snape fans. Jack asses = people who don't agree with you that Snape is teh best!!111!!!!!


subtle1science January 9 2012, 01:19:13 UTC
No, you're a jackass because you don't sign your name. I don't care in the slightest what your opinion of Snape--or me--is. What is the most telling is that you pitch a hissy anonymously....Followed by your immediate resort to ad hominem.

You're a jackass.


rattlesnakeroot January 9 2012, 01:35:49 UTC

Subtle: They are probably looking up what "ad hominem" means right now because they don't realize that is what they are doing.

I'll save them the dictionary search - it means "attack the person" instead of making a valid argument. It's the last desperate measure of someone who is always going to lose. So it's never enough to just attack a character they dislike - which the essayists states clearly - they have to go after people in fandom as well.

I don't really know, again, why they are so hell-bent on coming here. And yet, they keep coming, lurking, stalking, whatever.


rattlesnakeroot January 9 2012, 01:53:09 UTC
I'm a jack ass because I don't sign my name. I bet if I supported Snape as god and still signed as anonymous you wouldn't call me a jack ass.

you want me to sign my name? I don't want to create a livejournal just to please you, so no, that's not going to happen. Maybe I'll decide one day to leave a signature, but I'm not in the mood right now. Especially not to appease bitchy Snape fans.


subtle1science January 9 2012, 02:20:50 UTC
Nice fit of misogyny, there: assumption I must be a woman, and throwing out the "bitch" epithet, because any woman who has a different point of view and holds to it must be a bitch.

You're a jackass, and a coward. Stupid, too--but that's self evident.


rattlesnakeroot January 9 2012, 04:25:04 UTC
Well that don't mean much. Your big problem is that you can't refute the arguments that Snape was a child abusing bullying jerk. It's all there in the books, in black and white and all the drooling over 'Always' doesn't change what he did before and after Lily was killed. Blaming the Marauders doesn't change his behaviour, he was still the one who tortured Neville and insulted Hermione. He was still the one who outed Lupin through spite and he was still the one who called Lily a 'Filthy Little Mudblood'. And he was still the one who joined up with the murdering terrorists, willingly and eagerly. You can't change that but you can't admit that you 'like' a character who committed crimes and who was a bully and a bigot. So we have to wrong, Lily most certainly has to be wrong, the Marauders have to be wrong, Dumbledore has to be wrong, Rowling has to be wrong because she is the one who wrote the books that feature Snape bullying children in the first place. Everybody has to be wrong except you and the other Snape worshippers. I wouldn't care if you liked Snape, but you don't. You sure like the Snape you have created and pout poor Alan Rickman's face on. Anonymous No.2


rattlesnakeroot January 9 2012, 10:01:09 UTC

*heads explode*

These books are not about "Snape the Child Abuser." In fact, he's not a child abuser - just sarcastic like every other character in the books. If sarcasm was a sin, there isn't a character in the series who wouldn't be found guilty.

Also, as far as "Trevor Abuse" goes - McGonagall uses animals in her classes too, and is as snarky as all get out. Should we write about "The Damnation of Minerva McGonagall" just to please the lunatic fringe (meaning you?).


rattlesnakeroot January 9 2012, 10:36:29 UTC
And before you fault us for liking the phrase "Always" why don't you admit that JKR wrote that as well as the rest of the books.

Only someone as twisted as you are could constantly talk about how you hate that phrase. You must have a sad life. I actually pity you.


rattlesnakeroot January 9 2012, 18:30:40 UTC
Why don't you admit she wrote the rest of the books? She wrote "Always" but she also wrote "probably" and she also wrote all the bad stuff Snape did.


rattlesnakeroot January 10 2012, 01:29:27 UTC

Pish-tosh about Probably. That's only to toss a bone to the James and Sirius fans who might have been offended. But in Harry's opinion, Snape was the bravest man, period. She's not going to rewrite anything to please you, I'm afraid. Give it up.


rattlesnakeroot January 9 2012, 18:24:10 UTC
McGonagall does it, too, so it must be okay.

Except, she doesn't.

She's not threatening to feed a potion that could be poisonous to a child's pet.

That's the thing with Snape fans. They have to justify everything Snape does by the actions of someone else.


rattlesnakeroot January 9 2012, 18:22:14 UTC
No, any person who acts the way you do regardless of the rest of their opinions makes them a bitch.


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