What is Pottermore? The Snape Fans Did It, Of Course!

Jun 16, 2011 00:03

All day people have been asking "What is Pottermore?" Is it an online gaming community? Is it a social network? All we know is that JKR updated her Official Site (click the eraser, then on the next page click the time-turner, then the door will suddenly have the "Do Not Distub" sign which strangely signals that something is coming soon). There are some possibly real (or fake) pictures HERE.

Since we don't know anything yet, and since everyone usually likes to blame Snape and his fans for everything, I'd think we should get credit for JKR's newest endeavor right now while it is still fresh and we are in limbo about it. Since no one in fandom seems to know what it is, and since it could be good OR bad (like Snape), then it is only fitting that the Snape fans are either to praise or to blame. And in due time, I'm sure we will be. If it is a success, well, Snape is still the best character in the books. If it is a failure, we will be blamed and verbally beaten and slapped till our ears bleed, and we will have to learn to like it because ... that's what we do.

But now let me share our Big Happy Secret~~~  Back in April when we did our April Fool's Joke on Chamber of Secrets Forum, and the Voldemort Cafe was turned all pink and sparkley, we knew Pottermore was coming. And now we know how much JKR loves the "Snapefen" probably best of all, and is honoring us above all with her choice of color for the new Pottermore.com Website. I mean, just look at it! This has the Snape fans written all over it, as we continue our world domination through our love of scary pink hearts. So here's to Ignisia's frilly  pink apron and love of valentines that started all this!

Thank you, Jo! Thank you for making it pink even though some of your fans have no sense of humor and run away at the mere hint of pink. And thank you for one more thing that the Snape fans can be blamed for (or praised for) as the HP era draws to a close. Maybe now that you've honored the Snape fans with this unknown website, we will begin to worship you as much as we supposedly worship that man in black. (Well, perhaps not, but thanks anyway.)

harry potter, mystery, wb, snark, snape, probably, pottermore, humor, blatant snape worship, jokes, fandom, rowling

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