Mid-Week Links

Apr 20, 2010 03:09

I'm not sure if I've linked before to The Last Muggle To Read Harry Potter , but the blog is a joy to read. She has recently finished the series and it's fun to read the responses of someone with a less jaded eye than the old-timers. While she writes eloquently about her emotional reaction to Snape's Redemption, you might also want to check out this post about the Lupins and Weasleys which I found interesting:

Mrs. Weasley, Lupin, Tonks, and why J. K. Rowling is a Cruel Mistress

CCollinSmith wins title of the week with a great essay about the "painful" look between Harry and Snape in Book One: 
The Look That Launched A Thousand Flames

And my friend Snapegirl, otherwise known as Jennifer Amlie, gives her spin on the Potions Prince:
The Debate Over Severus Snape

A couple of links to Interviews with the actors in Deathly Hallows courtesy of Snitchseeker. Click the names to get to the videos.

First, Tom Felton (Draco)
It has been a long time, we're all getting a bit nostalgic already - we'll start shedding tears before it's all over.

We're all very good friends - I saw Daniel yesterday; he's in fine spirits... he's the one really carrying this Deathly Hallows on his shoulders because he's been there for, as I said, sixteen months every day. I'm sure we're going to miss it when it's gone.

It's unquestionably more exciting, and just far more substantial, as well. It usually takes us about seven months to film; we've been here for sixteen months doing two films. There's a lot more into this, especially with the action and the battle sequences. The final half-hour, or the final hour, really, of the final movie will be non-stop carnage, and I can't wait to see it.

Next Rupert Grint (Ron)
BBC: Deathly Hallows … it’s the book that’s the hardest to envisage becoming a film … ‘cause you’re not at school anymore and you’re hunting the horcruxes.
Rupert: The whole structure of it is completely different. In the past films it’s always been Harry’s house, the Dursleys’, the kids on the train, the cat … but that’s all out the window now ‘cause we’ve left school. We’re on the run. We’re camping out in random forests and such.

BBC: It must be nice for you to get to explore your character a little bit more. The last book is quite hardcore.
Rupert: Yeah, even Hedwig, which I though was quite unnecessary. For Ron’s character there’s a lot of paranoia. There’s a lot going on, he loses his brother. It’s a war, really. It’s a war film. It’s quite intense.

And finally, an awesome quote from Matt Lewis (Neville) about working with Alan Rickman!

SnitchSeeker: You've worked with a lot of great people over the years, obviously. Which one of your co-stars would you say you have learnt the most from in terms of acting and how so?

Matt: Alan Rickman, I think I’d have to say, without a doubt. The man’s a chameleon. It’s so like that (clicks fingers). He can be in lunch one day dressed all as Snape and be the nicest man in the world, full of smiles. Then as soon as he’s on set it's just like: Snape (clicks fingers again). It’s amazing just to watch him do it. It’s pretty special. Even though Snape’s got this very long drawn out way of saying things. and normally you’d think it’d get quite boring doing that again and again, but with him there's just something quite magnetic about it and hypnotic.
You think, ‘Wow, this is amazing.’ I went and spoke to him actually last week ‘cause he's winding down now and finishing up. So I just went and had a chat with him and said it’s been amazing working with you all this time. He’s like, ‘Come in, come in.’ I went into his trailer and we had this chat. He gave me some pointers for future saying, ‘How about this? Have you thought about doing theatre?’ It was just really cool to sit and pick his brains for a few minutes. I enjoyed that.

links, war, matt lewis, rupert grint, harry potter, harry, alan rickman, movie, weasleys, lupin, drama, ron, draco, writers, molly, blog, snape, tonks, deathly hallows, tom felton, neville, actors

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