catte rituals

Sep 03, 2008 13:31

(First, it’s “catte” ’cuz… Well I don’t even know where that started. But if you see a male nerd using “catte” it’s a good indicator that they belong to a sekrit group of other male nerds! But I can’t tell you which as it is a sekrit.)

Anyway, what kind of pitifully twee rituals do you guys have with your cattes? (Or I guess dogges can be included here too.)

Our most recent ritual is what I call “Tum Tum Time”. Every morning right before I go to work (and this only happens at that time) I lay on my back and speckeroo (aka speck) lays on my tummy and goes crazy with the purring and the Happy Claws. You know, extending the front legs all the way, opening up one paw’s worth of claws all the way, then digging with the claws. Then retract, extend the other leg and do the same thing. Alternate until kicked off ’cuz I have to go to work.

Sometimes Mr. Mew (catte #2) will join in by leaning on my leg or arm and washing himself and purring madly.

Edited to add: I failed to point out “Tum Tum Time” doesn’t occur when I’m still in bed - it’s after I’ve showered and gotten dressed and all that and is the last thing I do before heading out the door. So I have to get back in bed (where speck is impatiently waiting and stalking back and forth and frantically meowing as this is apparently very important to her) for “Tum Tum Time”.
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