Aug 10, 2004 05:23
Blah, I am soooo bored. But slightly happy. It's a strange mixture. Anywho, I am talking to Josh, well was, right now I am waiting for him to get done eating. LOL So I chose writting ing my LJ as a passtime. I am sitting here eating Fritos Scoops.And boy, aren't they delish. The downside is, I am really thirsty. And the kitchen is freaky at night. Damn it! Hold on. I gotta go get a drink. If I never get this posted, assume death was waiting for me. Well, I am back with my Sunkist. Damn spooky house. I really can't complain, I love this house. I grew up here. I was ALWAYS scared of it though.*chuckles* Man, how long does it take to eat. Jesus and a half. I need a cigarette, I think I'll have one. Now I am smoking. Why do you people read this, really? C'mon. It's not intresting at all. You bored ass mother fuckers. That's okay, I'm a bored ass mother fucker too. That's what I get for staying up until all hours of the night with nothing to do. But it's a habit now. Well, I am bored with this now. Later Days Lovelies.